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Give and get support around quitting


Newbie Quitters

You can use this wall to introduce yourself and tell your story! Remember, this group is only for those who have stopped smoking completely (no matter for how long). We can use the advice of experienced EX's, too. I am on my 4th day (again), using this site much more and reading reading reading!
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444 Replies

I am new to the website today.  Watched the videos an started tracking....picked a quit date.  This is ninth attempt...somewhat embarassed and afraid to tell friends and family....

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Beeka don't feel bad i have quit more than that since 2008 i al ways go back. i want to make this one right, good luck,

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I've only been smoking for 3 years, but I've tried quitting 5 times.  This site has already given me a feeling of empowerment that I didn't have before.  I want to quit, but it's so hard to tell myself when my head is saying, "just this one," or "this is the last one."  I've had countless "last" cigarettes in the last few days.  

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Hi everyone my name is Christina and I wanted to start quitting 2 weeks from tommorrow, but I checked that I had a life changing event due to up coming separation/divorce with my husband and now I can't fix it. Anyone have any ideas?


I have been smoking for 14 years and only tried to quit once with those um e-cigs and they were not cutting it at all. I tried those about 3 months ago for about 1 week. I didn't think like if your family did not have health problems with them I had would fine. Well come ot find out, my grandfather had COPD, Lung infections and all kind of stuff. It didn't kill him, but people in my family had many issues because of smoking and I don't want that. They smoked for 40-70 years. I am tired of coughing, tired of being out of breathe. So here I am. Glad to be here.



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Welcome Newcomers!  Please don't write here  where you are now (groups) or the forums, go to the top of the page and click on Blogs.  The blogs are where we all hang out 24/7.  Please write to us on the blogs, we're waiting for you and you'll get responses.  You may not get any responses here, so don't stop here, go straight to the Blogs!  We have success here and you can too!

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HI everyone!

Today is my first day here.  I still have a couple of packs around here.  My plan is to quit by August 31st. Or before if I can.

I am sick of smoking, really.  I've reached the point of even hating the smell of smoke!  I know is affecting my health negatively in many ways, and I am ready to let it go!  I need help though...  I am allergic to many things therefore, I am not able to use patches or nicotine aids.  This is going to be a huge step for me.  I've been a smoker for over 20 yrs. now.  

I live alone, and unfortunately don't have access to outdoor space unless I get in my car and drive to it.  That is somewhat a downer in many ways.  As I am writing this, I look around my apartment and plan to clean every room and make it smoke-free. (That is: Get the smell of smoke out of my living quarters, my clothes, my curtains... my home).

I wish everyone a great outcome!

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Hello everyone... My quit date is September 10, 2010. I have tried to quit before using the gum but once I thing I am doing good and just one won't hurt I start up again. 
 I am tired of being the only one when we go out to smoke and then I sit there alone puffing away. I want to be able to enjoy being with my friends and not missing out on the fun. I hope you can help to keep me going and give me all the best advice to stop and stay smoke free.  I am really happy to finally get the devil off my sholder.
 Anyone with advice on how to start my steps to my first day of freedom will be very welcoming.

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i am getting read to quit again i hope do this time for good

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Hello all I quit for 2 days then started again I am going to try to quit again tomorrow

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I guess i should still be on this page since im still smoking about 5 cigs a day.I wont give up this time .I am going to spend the money and get the chantix.It really helps me.

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