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Give and get support around quitting


Newbie Quitters

You can use this wall to introduce yourself and tell your story! Remember, this group is only for those who have stopped smoking completely (no matter for how long). We can use the advice of experienced EX's, too. I am on my 4th day (again), using this site much more and reading reading reading!
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444 Replies

Jan 9 was my first day. I'm not sure why we crave the way we do sometimes. I remember the last couple times I quit, it was around the third week that seemed to be the worst for me, as far as cravings go. So I'm prepared.
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Had a week under the belt and messed up!!!!!!!!!!
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I just signed up for EX and am hoping this will help I have tried to quite before with no luck. Its so frusterating I reay want to quite and see all the benifits of doing so but at the same time just the idea of quiting is terrifing. I go into a panic just thinking of not being a smoker and at the same time love the idea of not being chained to this habit able to brearth and be more active not mention not spending 80-100 a month on something that is doing nothing for me
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Welcome Sara, I was afraid to quit too. In fact I was making excuses to keep on smoking right up to my quit time--midnight--Dec. 31, 2008. It is 25 days later and I am still not smoking. This site made all the difference to me. I didn't want to let down all the members who were supporting and encouraging me. I found out that not being alone in this made it easier to quit. Have you met Michael Patterson yet? His story about his illness made me strong iin my resolve to do it this time. Good Luck. You can do this. I did. Love Nancy
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Good for you Sara - you know you need to quit, and you really understand how bad it is for you. Quitting is a process and it sounds like you are taking all the right steps in the process.

  It has been a month for me now!!! After the first three days, it got better. It is a major change, but one I was happy and waiting for. Cigarettes really annoyed me the last few days that I smoked. They disgusted me. My behavior disgusted me. After 40 years -

  It is not easy. This website is excellent for support. Do some google searches for other sights as well - is another good one.

  For me, i had to re-learn most of my habits. I stopped smoking in the car. Stopped smoking after eating. Stopped smoking in my bedroom. ETc. Etc.
  I designated 2008 as the year for me to quit. I had a couple of trial runs, and then did it...on 12/30/08. I am very very happy i did.

  It was hard, and I started doing things without a cigarette in my hand. I smoked a half a cigarette most of the time. I also switched brands to American Spirit. They do not have the chemicals that the commerical cigarettes do. it was easier for me to not smoke them...even tho they were very satisfying cigarettes. I also created some new non smoking rituals. Like, sitting in my dining room with my laptop, instead of staying in my bedroom with my laptop, as I smoked. I made myself smoke in the kitchen, garage, or outside.

  I also thought about the layer of crap I was putting on my lungs every time I took a drag, and all of the poisons I was injesting. It is scary to quit because cigarettes have always been there - but for me now, it is scarier not to quit.
  I did the tissue trick with a cigarette a couple of days before I quit. Put a tissue between my mouth and the filter of the cigarette, and took seven drags moving the tissue each time. EWE!

  You will quit when you are ready. And, coming here is a great place to start to quit.
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Have a day under my belt and don't want to relaspe or smoke any more. Went to see the Dr. and got bad news from him. I'll get into that one latter so don't ask alright. I just know that I'm not ready to dye yet that is all there is to that one.

  LOVE YOU Kathleen
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Welcome, kathleen! One day is great, keep it up and don't let any stress get you to go back. Blog or message here if you have cravings. You are doing it!
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I am working on Day 3......I figured this group may be able to help me b/c i'm off work next week. It's important 2 me to stay quit while i'm not working. If i can achieve that i know i can quit. But I am determined this time.
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Welcome, Cartel! That is great that you have already started the process. The first few weeks can be rough, dealing with cravings, etc. Drink lots of water and try to stay active during this time. Blog or message here if you need to get something out there or need to pass a craving.
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Welcome Cartel, I'm Kathleen and I to have three days today been wanting to smoke today because it's the third day for us. I'm saying us because my boyfriend is quitting with me we're engaged to get married in a couple of years. We have been together for three years now as of the 5th of this month. Thats why we chose the 5th to quit smoking it's our day we moved in together and have been together since then.

  LOL Kathleen
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