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Give and get support around quitting


Newbie Quitters

You can use this wall to introduce yourself and tell your story! Remember, this group is only for those who have stopped smoking completely (no matter for how long). We can use the advice of experienced EX's, too. I am on my 4th day (again), using this site much more and reading reading reading!
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444 Replies

I'm not sorry, I'm merely saying "not gonna happen".

  They are only cigs John, they have no power over me anymore. They will stay in their wrapper until I decide to give them to someone. Yes, I would rather give them away than throw them away. I'm not going to be a no-smoking nazi. I had a choice... and so do those that continue to smoke.
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Oh, okay. Whatever works for you! I kept a few packs stashed away for a while. Couldn't get up the tenacity to throw them away, myself. It doesn't seem like the brightest idea in hindsight. I really could have jeopardized my quit that way. Kind of like a loaded gun for someone on suicide watch. Just a warning, the addicted mind is a dangerous animal.
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I couldn't agree more John.
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I bought a book by Allen Carr "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking" - ch 3 now in just an hour. I heard that this book was good. I got my fingers crossed. Good Luck and health to All!
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Almost through day 4. I might have thought about a cigarette a couple times, but was quick to brush it off. I'm pretty strong minded, but my body is reacting today. Earlier I felt like I was coming down with the flu... feverish feeling and sweating. After dinner I thought I'd lay down and watch some tv. So I kicked my shoes off and my socks were soaked, and I've had this sweaty, tacky feeling all day but I didn't have a second thought about smoking. I think my body is reacting to my not smoking and cleansing because I actually feel ok, just a little sweaty. yuk. 🙂
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Through day 5... no sweat! Pun intended. 😄 I went to a used sports store and scored a couple racketball rackets and a can of balls for under 12 dollars. There's 2 courts about 100 ft. from my apartment and my wife and I played for about a half an hour. We had a good workout for a change! My wife is doing real good with her quit, she is smoking less and less every day!
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Danielle I'm on my 6th week w/ patches & your'e right it's %#^%@#$%@# mental part of it w/ me too. I smoke 1 cig. every day since Oct. 26.
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The mental aspect is a monster! I've not quit yet but my quit date is soon. I've been wearing the patches to cut down and see how they'll work this go round.
  I keep telling myself...You've got your nicotine,,,over n over! Still want a cig of course. Geez,,,will I ever really quit !!??
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Almost through day 7 (yawn)... I guess I'll go now. Good luck on your first 10 everyone.
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Hi everybody, I stoped smoking at 8 30 pm on jan 9th. I have wanted to smoke really bad the last 2 days!!!! Why is it so much harder now then when I first stoped?? Going CRAZY TRAIN!!!!!
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