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New to Ex

Good morning everyone I am new to EX I quit smoking 13 days ago I would like advise on how to combat cravings thank you

26 Respuestas

Welcome to the site, you've made the best decision for you and your health congratulations on 13 precious DOF - Days Of Freedom, read everything you can right here on the site because there's a wealth of information to strengthen your resolve to kick the nicotine poison to the curb and continue stacking up your Days WON - N.O.P.E. Not One Puff  Ever  - I used this mantra alot in my early days of quitting it helped me alot, stay close we are here to help you through any rough patches you may come upon, just let us know if you need us. 

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     Welcome to Ex. Congrats on 13 days.

    Joining a community of quitters is one way to deal with craves because you get to see that others have been there and succeeded in getting past them, and you can see that others are there now..making the craves not such an isolated or lonely experience.

    Invest yourself in what you like to do--whatever that is--and reward yourself with a little something everyday. The craves will fade and you will find your comfort zone without the cigs. Keep coming back and share your experience. 

0 Kudos

I have found that having a small sucker in the car helps me while driving.  I've seen other people write that we must break the hand to mouth habit so I dunno.  I'm new too.  

0 Kudos

Welcome. Driving is one of my BIGGEST triggers because I love taking long drives to nowhere in particular. I go for either the great curvey roads or the highway headed towards the beach, cruise control on and tooling down the road. If I'm just out driving I turn around before the beach. It's therapeudic for me. Just me, with my tunes cranked and a cold bottle of Diet Mt. Dew in the cupholder. There used to be a pack of smokes on that list until 18 days ago.  It's one of my biggest hurdles and I haven't gone out except to go to the store but I'm getting used to it. I keep breath mints in the car and take gum with me. There is also and unsharpened pencil in the car in case my hand really needs to have something in it. My singing voice is coming slowly all the way back (I can hit more high notes again) so I sing too. After a while you'll notice how bad the car actually smells and realize that there won't be any more gross ashes all over the floor and seats and burn holes in the upholstery or carpet. It is difficult at first I know! Keep that N.O.P.E. in your head and you can do this!! Congratulations on taking your first steps at this and make this site your best friend because you WILL get love, support and wisdom from all the great people here! It's the ONLY thing that has kept me quit this long.


18 Days Of FREEDOM!!!


Congrats on 13 days, I am12 days in. I set my quit date for 11/18 but wanted to get a head start so here I am 12 days and ready to hit my Quit date!!! I praise myself each day, I am also on Chantix which is a great help or else i'd be miserable with the craving issues. I also keep mints in my car and on my person. The Book - Easy Way to quit was also very helpful the first week. I know I can do this, its just one day at a time. 

Stay positive on this journey and know that this site is a great help. Stick it out and hang in there!! We can do this!! 


You are definitely where you need to be....right here on EX, with people who will provide you so much support, it's 

nothing more than a win, win!!!

Not a whole lot more that I can say that hasn't already been said by all before me, EXcept, Welcome to EX!  

Congrats on your 13 huge DOF!  Take it day by day!  You CAN do this!  It's a great journey, but so worth it!


0 Kudos

Hello, I will be three weeks as of tomorrow. The way I would combat cravings is to color in the adult coloring books. My thing was in the beginning I was edgy and a little aggravated I had to quit so my coloring books contained cuss words which was a great stress reliever. Lol now, when I get a craving, I take a deep breath and relax for a few minutes. I'm using nicotine patches (I'm finishing 14mg), spearmint candy and cinnamon. I still color when cravings are bad but I bought a book with positive affirmations in it. Another method I used was I would look at my x-ray results and that really was a big help. Long story short, if I don't quit smoking I will end up with COPD and I'm not doing that. I want to be healthier not just for myself but for my family and friends. If you need anything, you can always message me. I'm pretty new to my quit and the best tip of all is read everything and listen to everyone on here plus stay close on this site. You can do this! Remember N.O.P.E. Not One Puff Ever!