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Give and get support around quitting


New...set quit date for July 7

Hi! I'm trying this out, hoping I will be more successful than I have been in the past. I have a 3 year old son, who I desperately want to quit for. I was wondering if anyone had any advice about cold turkey vs. nicotine replacement. I have tried lozenges in the past, to no avail, and cold turkey also, but I just don't think I was serious about wanting to quit.

Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself!
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4 Replies

Try anything that will work for you. Everyone is different. I quit using the Ex plan. That behavioral approach was AMAZING for me. Really worked. For my first week off cigarettes, I used nicotine gum, but only about two pieces per day for the physical craves and withdrawal symptoms. My first week symptoms were fuzzy thinking, agitation, headaches and restlessness. These symptoms make it impossible for me to do my job in a safe way, so NRT gum got me through it just fine. I stopped chewing it in the second week (by that time my nicotine blood level was minuscule). So, I had a very pleasant quit- "all-in-all". I have quit many different times before. Even each QUIT is different for the same person. I would suggest you prepare well, have a back up plan, change plans if you need to, and do whatever it takes to quit!
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Thank you both so much! I know last time I tried to quit I made it 4 days, and I was unbearably grouchy. I felt bad because it seemed like everything made me snippy. I'm thinking maybe NRT gum for the first week, just so no one around me has to put up with it. But I'm definitely better prepared this time than the last! Thank you!
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Welcome Kristen! Ask your doctor what he thinks would be best for you. One thing about quitting is you really have to want to quit or you won't. It took me many many years to figure that out. Good Luck with your quit, we're here rooting for you. Angelquit - Free and Healing for Three Months, Fourteen Days, 22 Hours and 36 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 7 Days and 10 Hours, by avoiding the use of 2139 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $397.43.
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I quit May 7th, the 7th is a great day to quit!! I did cold turkey and it worked better for me, I actually quit and its been 6 wks for me.
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