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Give and get support around quitting


New Years Day Quitters

I am bound and determined to get the freakin' smokes out of my life! New Year's Day, 2009....I am getting the prescription for Chantrex and am going to do it! Happy New Year!
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480 Respuestas

Hello everyone. Here I go wish me luck.
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A Happy and Healthy New Year wish to all of the other New Years Day Ex Group members. Name is Ed. Been smoking for way to long now. 40 Years. Started at age 13. Tried in the past a few times to quit just on impulse and failed. Now I'm armed with everything I feel I need to be successful this time. First I cut back from a 2 pack a day habit to 1 pack a day. Tomorrow 1/1/09 is my quit date. I will use Nicotine patch's to ween me the rest of the way. My stubbornness to deal with my triggers and hopefully all of you for the support, encouragement, and advice I need along the way to truly become an Ex.
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Good luck, everyone. I am right there with you.
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Howdy, I m one hour into my quit. It seemed like at just before midnnight the monkey on my back want me to light up again---real bad, but I fought him off. I have been on this site ever since. I am having a hard time. My son is out tonight . We had a snow storm here in Minnesota yesterday. WE got 12 inches of light fluffy snow which is blowing around tonight causing drifts across the interstate making driving tricky. I worry and when I worry I smoke so i am having a hard time. i will be okay when he gets home and then I can go to sleep and wake up not smoking. Wish me luck. Nancy
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I quit smoking today and I'm really struggling. I never new it could be this hard. After 8 months of it, I'm finally ready to quit, and this website is a huge help
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New Year's Day 09. I did not have my morning smoke today. It is constantly on my mind, and I am smelling my husbands cig. I am doing this for my daughters, I want to be around to see them get married & have babies or run the country or do whatever makes them happy. I just found this site this am, I hope it helps me!!
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Dana, I quit last night at midmight. Being on this site has helped me stay smoke free. I am 8 hours and 12 minutes into my quit. I find taking a deep breath helps me get through the craving. It is hard but I know you can do it. I didn't think I could but to my pleasant surprise I am doing it. Best Wishes on your quit and stay on this site. Love Nancy
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I officially quit last night at midnight too, and I have 9 hours in. That morning cigg I want so badddd!!! I will not be defeated by nicotine and chemicals. I want to set and example for my family I want my singing voice to be as strong as it used to be.
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I just joined this site, and I too am a new years quitter. I haven't smoked a cigg since sometime around 8pm last night. I think I'll be alright untill my boyfriend comes home and starts smoking in front of me. That's when its going to hit me. hah.
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Happy New Year everyone!
  I also quit at midnight last night. I smoked a lot of cigerettes yesterday....right up 'til midnight. Wasn't too bad this morning...for awhile.Then the "smokers thinking" crept in and I could've smoked a six foot long cigerette. I can't give in...I refuse. So I'll just keep chomping on my nicorette gum. Anyway, nice to know I'm not alone in this boat.It really helps.Good luck and keep up the good work....non smokers : )
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