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New Years Day Quitters

I am bound and determined to get the freakin' smokes out of my life! New Year's Day, 2009....I am getting the prescription for Chantrex and am going to do it! Happy New Year!
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480 Replies

My quit date is New Years day. I have been trying to seperate the triggers from the ciggs. So far I'am doing well except for coffee and I woke up this morning knowing that I have to find a new morning beverage. I have also decided to quit cold turkey. The side effects will probably keep me from ever lighting up again. With my trust and faith in God I know he will see me through.
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Best advice I have is change habits. I only have been smoke free for 55 days but that helped me alot. I also carry around a bottle of water. Good luck. We are here for you.
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I've changed my quit date to today!! I just had my last cigarette and instead of going to the store to buy more I've decided to quit now. I have nicotine to help me. I hope this works!
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I have so much I want to say that I don't really know where to start. I am really scared and full of excuses. But in a nut shell today is the day I tell my adult chrildren (5 +spouses) that I may have cancer. I have been preparing them through out the shristmas season that I have to quit smoking so they all know something is up but I didn't want to ruin their christmas so I refused to explain till today. I have never been one to do something for myself so quiting for me seems wrong, but quiting for them makes since. I guess what I am most afraid of is that they will not come through to give me reason enough to quit. I know this is wrong thinking but deep down I know that is were my success lays. Please pray for me and I will let you know how it goes.
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I have smoked for over 20 years. It's time to be good to myself! I'm tired of smoking so wish me luck and the same back at you!
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I was diagnosed with discoid lupus about a week ago. It has manifested as a lesion right above my lip that has stubbornly been there since right before Thanksgiving. Not knowing much about the disease, I spent many hours looking it up online. One of the theoretical triggers is smoking. I have been a quiet, closet smoker for the last 15 years (smoking openly for 15 years before it became socially unacceptable). When I found out about the potential correlation, I thought at that moment- that was it! I am done smoking! Within a few hours, I was back in the garage smoking and feeling helpless about the whole situation. How could I risk getting worse from this frightening and unpredictable disease by continuing to smoke? I needed help, came here, got a Chantix scrip (day 3 today on that) and plan to give it up on the 1st. Last few days have been much less smoking and a lot of thinking about how I literally needed a visual sign that smoking was hurting me. I have always rationalized that since I am not hacking every morning, and since I spend 8-10 hours a day as a "part-time non-smoker" (only smoking at home), what's the problem? Reality is crashing down with this health news, but I am getting ready to quit and I need support. Thanks to all who have posted their stories and comments. They have really helped. Wish me luck.
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My quit date is New Years Eve at midnight.... I quit for 2 years before, so I know quitting is possible. I had a stroke it scared me so much that I really didn't have the desire to smoke again for a long time.... then I got very stressed out one day... bummed a pack off of my ex- and now I've been smoking for 8 months now. I had smoked for 20 years before the stroke. I know how good I felt for the 2 years I didn't smoke. I know I will feel that good again. just gotta make myself do it for good this time.
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Tomorrow is my quit day. I will wake up and not smoke, ever again. Or, at least until I am 80. I have not been diagnosed with anything directly related to my health, but I feel the effects of 40 years of smoking. OMG. I am determined to quit for a number of reasons. Good resolve to everyone!

  I want to be more active, and smoking gives me a good excuse to sit around and not do much, or go any place, because I cannot smoke, or I have to make sure I have accommodations to smoke. I am tired of smelling like ass.

  I want to breathe well, at all times, if possible, and not fill my lungs with poison any longer.

  I can't wait....
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Well, along with the rest of the world, I have made a New Year's Resolution- to quit smoking. I am a little afraid of life without my best friend, but I know that I can do it.
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I decided not to buy another pack yesterday, and I feel like I quit one day too soon. Maybe it's my mind.12:00am Jan 1st I will not smoke ever again. I guess I just keep thinking about tonight with the guest and champagne. That scare me a little either way TOMORROW it's Over for me and ciggs
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