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Give and get support around quitting


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Hi - I just read some of the messages posted here, and found out all the stuff I wrote didn't get posted cuz I probably hit the wrong button !!! Oh well...I start again !!
I was really glad to see a group here for us "over 50" folks. We certainly DO have more years of smoking under our belt - as well as more failures to quit !!
Let me tell ya; I'm scared out of my gourd !! The triggers listed on this program; some of them hit home, like smoke in the morning, and when I'm bored. But there's also the fact that I ENJOY smoking !! I know that's the addiction talking, but that's always the mind-set that set me up for failure in the past.
I cannot afford, physically (health-wise) to fail this time. Since the last time I tried to quit, many things have changed - like the Internet with these forums, and blogging, and things like that.
I'm hoping a forum like this, with people that really DO understand what I'm going through, will give me the tools I need to break this addiction.
Oh - I'm 57; I started smoking when I was 15. Do the math...but wow - I'm not the only one, hey ??
Thanks for letting me rant...anyone out there ??
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12 Replies


my quit date is the 29th

Want to join me?

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Welcome Carlie. We're the same age and both started smoking about the same age also. I am 5 weeks free of the nicodemons tonight and you can do it too! I honestly feel good about being a non-smoker and feel much healthier. I can breathe much better already and have only gained a few pounds. Walking helps and lot's of cold ice water. It's really getting easier day by day and the thought of smoking a cigarette right now frightens me. My lungs feel too good to hurt again after all I put them through the last 42 years! We're here to support you and just take it hour by hour and day by day and you will do it. Pledge to yourself to Never Take Another Puff!
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Ok, then...I can identify with this...same age and all that.
5 weeks !!! wow! I'm proud of you; I know it CAN be done...I just don't know if I can mentally pull this off !! I have the technical info; the medical (body) info. I keep saying I have enough info to know what my body will go just doesn't sink in far enough to give me a sense of security.
I'm in a situation where it's not like I'm able to change one certain thing; like if you smoke in a certain room, like with morning coffee, change your habit !! I do not smoke in the house - my husband doesn't smoke, so I don't expose him to the nasty smell; plus I don't like the smell on my furniture and all that. I ONLY smoke outside; we have this HUGE carport; more like a covered 3-car garage. I have my plants and area out there. I can't just stop going outside - I have a dog that needs to go out and "do her thing" every now and then. I have cats outside (and baby kittens) that need food and water. So, the only "different place" I am every single day, is outside - and for me, that's y smoking area. I don't know how to get to the point where I can go outside for normal stuff, and not smoke.
I ramble; but this is my big concern. I know all the replies here are helpful, and I totally appreciate the support - that's why I came to this forum. But I also believe I won't get the ideas and specific help if I don't clue someone in as to what my real fears are, you know ??
Thanks again...I read your post and thought: "Well, if this Laura can do it, I can do it !!" I hope that sinks in !!
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Hi - Good luck to you, John, and thanks for the reply. I almost got a panic attack when I read your post - jeez; the 29th is tomorrow !!! I'm looking more at the middle of next week. But thanks for the "buddy" offer..keep in touch...I really want to know how it goes for you !!!
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Thanx, Jan..."terrified" is a really good word to use !!! When did "the calm" come over you ??
I have quit some major things in my life: and I know one day at a time; guess I need to hang onto that !!
Again - the big picture is overwhelming me, I guess. Gotta get a handle on that, for sure !!
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aloha, hothula...I'm going to do either the gum or lozenges. The patches didn't do it for me in the past. Glad you found the combination that worked for you !!
Staying busy is a feat in itself for me...I have medical issues I'm dealing with; long walks are out of the question; I have a hard time getting from room to room sometimes !! Plus, here in Texas, it's near 100 degrees now, and humid. Can I come stay with you in beautiful Hawaii until I beat this thing ?? Could takes weeks...even months...HA !!!
Thanks for the support !!
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Hi CarliM, So glad you could join us. Your story is old news here, LOL, as most of us had and have the same experiences. The decision to quit is one of the scariest things ever! I had no idea what I would do without my cigarettes, they were there the second I woke up in the morning, last thing I did before I went to bed and were involved in everything thoughout the day. I too started smoking when I was 15 and smoked up until March 12, 2008 at the age of 56! LOTS OF CIGARETTES WITHIN THOSE 41 YEARS! When its your time it's your time. Try to think of something that you hate about your smoking...we have a couple of things that we say...'I wish my clothes didn't smell like smoke', or something like that. Then make that one thing your goal and focus on it. When an urge hits, use it, think about it and let the urge pass knowing that your one less urge closer to your goal. And along the way, your goals will change. You'll need to change some of your routines, like drink your morning coffee in a different room or drink tea instead. If you have to, make a list of your triggers and try to avoid them, like, bordom, keep a cross word puzzle book (or something like that) close by, even if you can't fully concentrate, keep your mind as busy as possible. Read, write and post on this site, there is a lot of support here for and from all of us....keep in touch and best wishes!
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Carlie - Welcome! What a great group this is...Tuesday is my quit date, and yes, the nerves do like to take over, don't they?
Keep in touch and we'll do the same. I'm going to start on the patch - I'm ready, jitters and all.
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Carlie, I think I made it sound like it was easier than it was. It's not but as everyone else here has stated, you just take it day by day or even minute by minute if necessary. A good friend of ours was diagnosed with lung cancer and my husband just looked at me and said, you don't even try to quit, you don't care about growing old with me. Talk about guilt so I promised him I would quit on May 19th. Didn't make it and my actual quit happened on May 23. Think I felt I owed it to him since he survived a massive stroke 5 years ago at age 52 which put him in a wheelchair paralyzed for 6 months. He fought like hell and is 90% today. How can I not put down the cigarettes for him? So I started my quit for HIM and not ME. I chewed Nicotine gum for a few days and followed the five D's: Delay (each crave lasts 3-5 minutes), Distract yourself, Deep breaths, Drink Water, Discuss (post here - I read that you should post and wait for 3 responses and by that time, the crave will have passed). I just took each urge for a butt one at a time. I had them in the house too and put them in my mouth and even flicked my bic within 1/8" of the end but never lit one. I sucked them in hard (unlit) pretending to be smoking, flicking ashes, the works and then crushed them really glad that I couldn't light it, It felt so good to have won and I know I'm not even close at 5 weeks to being cured but I feel like I'm at least 5 weeks better off than I've been the last 42 years. I may lose my teeth from all the gum I've chewed however (lol). And now I'm doing this for ME because I feel better. I used to worry when I had chest pain thinking it was a heart attack and now I don't have that worry anymore because I haven't had the pain anymore. Ahhh, that's a relief.

I totally understand what you're saying about your routine. I still look for my smokes in my bag while driving and still have those "time for a smoke" thoughts after I've completed doing a chore or eating a meal. It is so hard but you just have to say to yourself "I don't do that anymore". I don't know how I became a non-smoker but I did by just taking it one day at a time. I also read Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking and it helped a lot. You might want to pick up a copy to get you motivated. You can smoke while reading the book and should be ready to quit at the end of the book if not sooner. It gave me a lot of good information which we all knew about smoking but for some reason, it sank in this time. Also, my cat is a happier pet now and breathing cleaner air. I can't tell you how many times he was on my lap where I almost had a hot ash fall on him. You can do this Carlie - you just have to be ready and do it for you at your own pace.
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