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Give and get support around quitting


New Quitters Check In!

Hi!  I noticed there are several new quitters this week so I thought we could support you all in one place and you could each get to know your fellow quitters and support one another.

Are you new in your quit?  Did you choose to quit just before the holidays or did you quit on 1/1/2018?  Are you less than 30 days into your quit?

Let everyone know how you are doing!  You can check in here to support each other and get support from the /blogs/Giulia-blog/2017/06/18/elders-list-ao-december-7-2016?sr=search&searchId=37122da5-d471-4574-9...‌ or those who have some DOF (days of freedom) behind them!

Share the victories and the struggles.  You never know how it may touch someone.

Etiquetas (3)
294 Respuestas

Hi All,

Just checking in. Glad to see so many great stories and successes! Tomorrow will be four weeks smoke free for me. This week is the first time I have gone days at a time without a craving. Week 3 has historically been a tough one for me so I am grateful to be past that time. I still dream I smoke and almost always think of it the first thing when I wake up. But, this time I have knowledge and tools that I did not have before. The resources on this site are invaluable. Use them all!  I am CHOOSING not to smoke and it is much better than fighting a craving that is telling me I want to. Headed on vacation to a place where there will be lots of cigarettes and bars so gearing up to keep my NOPE mantra. 

Keep at it everyone! If I can get this far anyone can! (smoked from 12 yrs old to 40, off 10 yrs and back on at 50, now 56 and off again) 


Congrats on your 4 weeks of freedom. Have fun on vacation!


Congratulations on 4 weeks.  Have a wonderful day and a glorious vacation!



Have a great vacation! When you're back home and have a minute, I'd love to hear which EX resources you found helpful and would recommend to new quitters. My quit date is this Tuesday. What are the must-reads or must-sees on EX that you'd recommend?


Checking in,I see alot is going on around site today. Stormed last night,rained and today is chilly,damp and gray.  I did exercise at clubhouse this morning.  Fun Days held every year this part of Feb are going on.  

Just not in the mood to participate in alot.  Suppose to go to Rock and Roll music. They are doing burgers,dogs,salads and regular ball game snacks.  I need my bowel to settle 1st.   Our body sure has to reset itself as a NonSmoker.   I eat the right diet but it has been a challenge to keep it working.  Good for couple days then messed up again.   

So I walked Mazy,lunch,dishes,trying do nails.  Restless achy from big weather change!  Missing hubby but will be going north soon.  Restless and was in a panic when DonnaMarie said she had her smoking rock with her for errands. Where is my little piece of petrified wood that I hold and rub?????? I was digging in drawers,purses,etc......Found it now and not upset.  I did not have any desire to Smoke!!!!!! Yippee!!!!!!! Today is day 17 ........I have dug myself in!!!!!! Spent alot of day reading here and responding.   Always Helps me Stay Anchored!!!!!!!!!Be back later......Have an Awesome Day!!!!! Prairie


Hi, everyone. Someone suggested I try this board for support as I prepare for my quit day (this Tuesday, the 27th). I've done lots of reading, made so many plans for triggers, found this wonderful resource, asked my sister to be my texting support person, and am planning to purchase nicotine gum this weekend. The patches made me miserable, so I thought I'd try the gum this time. 

The truly brand new thing I'm trying is meditation. I installed the Calm app at someone's recommendation, and I've done it for a few days now. I truly think it will be helpful. I've also started a 15-minute per day Pilates challenge, because it's gentle but makes me feel a little more strong and confident. I feel on a visceral level that these two things--meditation and exercise--are tools I've overlooked during past quit attempts.

So...just a few more days. I'd love to find a place where I can share thoughts every day. Is this it?? And it would also make me happy to encourage others who are beginning their quit journeys.


This is where the newer Quits have been checking  in .   The Elders pop in here too .  You can send a rep!y to any thread.    You can start a blog     There a section up top that tells you how to move around the site . I,m still figuring alot of it out . You meditation and pilates will be wonderful helpers.   Everyone has different things that help them.  All those things we try.   We keep what works and get rid of the rest . New hobbies and such . We have to enjoy what we are doing g to fill those times e slots.   Hope this helps a little.  Still without the PC.  They are working on it    Prairie


I hope your computer is on the mend, because I’ve already figured out that this isn’t the most mobile-friendly site. I can only really engage when I’m on a laptop. I do get the texts, and I love them! I’ll consider a blog. I always think of a blog as almost like a journal, but what I want is to interact with others on the journey for mutual support. I am trying to figure out which feature is best for that: blog or boards? I’ll figure it out this weekend, I think. Thank you for the tips!

0 Kudos

Bdwallhau  I suggest a blog...introduce yourself, tell us where you are in your will find that many people will comment on your blog and will offer you suggestions for your journey.  Go to the top of the page on your laptop, find the little pencil and click on write a blog post.  It can be about anything you want to talk about...I think you will be very surprised by the responses.  I also suggest going to the top of the page and clicking on "Celebrations and Events" and taking the Daily Pledge each morning and riding that day's Freedom Train.  It gives a bit of a boost to your quit at the beginning of the day.  I came here every morning and every evening when I quit and I still spend a great deal of time here after four plus years...this place kept me on my journey to freedom and I will do whatever I can to pay that forward.


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Community Manager


The site is mobile responsive, meaning it dynamically adjusts to every screen.  There are some things that aren't possible in portrait mode(reduced features) on the phone but if you are in landscape mode everything should be there. Also there is reply by email which works great(provided you don't use the Yahoo! Mail app). 

Menu button (3 horizontal lines) gets you to most places on the site with the exception of‌. It's listed down the page on the mobile home page though.

Silhouette gets you to your notifications and access to your profile and other pertinent account related things.

Pencil lets you create new content.

Magnifying glass takes you to Search.

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