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Give and get support around quitting


New Quitters Check In!

Hi!  I noticed there are several new quitters this week so I thought we could support you all in one place and you could each get to know your fellow quitters and support one another.

Are you new in your quit?  Did you choose to quit just before the holidays or did you quit on 1/1/2018?  Are you less than 30 days into your quit?

Let everyone know how you are doing!  You can check in here to support each other and get support from the /blogs/Giulia-blog/2017/06/18/elders-list-ao-december-7-2016?sr=search&searchId=37122da5-d471-4574-9...‌ or those who have some DOF (days of freedom) behind them!

Share the victories and the struggles.  You never know how it may touch someone.

Etiquetas (3)
294 Respuestas

aussiemum On the road to freedom! The password is N.O.P.E  You've got this !!! Thinking of you. 



0 Kudos

You can do this aussiemum!



Checking in! I've been doing chantix approx 30 days. I didn't lock myself in with a date. I just gradually smoked less and less. Just a note to others - I feel like what's works for you may not work for someone else and vice versa. Allen Carr's book didn't do it for me. Everything he says makes sense? But i didnt throw my ciggs on the ground saying "Yippee". Im now reading stop smoking for good by Gillian Riley? That hits home for me more than Carr's technique and it works- so far! ALSO a huge help was no nicotine cocoa bean cigg for sale on amazon. Even with chantix I still had horrid cravings the first couple weeks. I would smoke one of those ( no nicotine) Just so I could calm down and get my sh** together. Just goes to show alot of it for me is psychological. 

30 + yrs 3 packs a day...I would say so!! I quite smoking fake cigg too in case you were wondering. Idk if it was the combination of chantix, fake cigg and books?? Who knows?

Also chantix users be careful ALOT of nicotine withdrawal symptoms are identical to chantix side effects!! I almost quit chantix until I realized it was nicotine withdrawal!! I have no problems with it at all now. I started taking the evening pill way earlier than I had been that has reduced crazy dreams - went from 11pm to 6pm instead A++


Ok day 1 again. The fear is overwhelming! I have a very busy day so that will help. Praying and positive self talk will fill my day. 


Hope you're doing okay freenhappy03.  Just saw your post.  Take it one day at a time (or hour, minute, second).  Be in the moment and say, "It's going to be okay."  Because it is.  You can do this and keep coming to this community.  Always ready, willing, and able (and eager) to help.



Good Morning. Today marks 4 days and I'm feeling happy and proud that I have made it this far. It was hard to make the decision to quit but I know I am ready. I have had the help of Champix (I am 10 days into the prescription) but the cravings are still there so I feel even better knowing that I am beating them with my willpower

Dear freenhappy03‌ - you've got this! I am a new quitter myself and have found tons of great advice and help on this website. Glad you have found this place too  Good luck!


Chantix: I read how people quit 3 days on it, a week etc and I was getting discouraged because I was still smoking!! I'm like what's wrong with me!! Lol There's no rules with it!! You don't "have" to stop on such and such day!! Do what works for You!! The more discouraged I got the more I smoked!! And almost quit taking it!! Keep taking it - don't pressure yourself! It takes a week or two on full dose to totally block nicotine - then you will notice you are getting nothing out of them- I was like why am I smoking these? I got fake ones (cocoa bean cigg) on amazon to test my theory! Yep! I was getting 0 nicotine from real cigg!! And the fake ones were great ( for me) if I was having horrible cravings just had one of those!! In my mind it was like the real deal!! Lol 

0 Kudos

Hello All,

This post marks several firsts for me. I have never been a member of any "online community" like this (outside of Facebook & other common social media sites), nor have I gone this long without nicotine since the age of 13. I finally decided it was time to put it all down the 20th of this month and am happy to proclaim that I have not slipped up once since. I am firmly committed to finally being completely done with the habit, and want to give myself the best chance of success possible.

A little about me...I am 28 years old, married, and the father of three beautiful children. I also am the general manager of a used agricultural equipment dealership/salvage yard in rural MN, and have been a member of the South Dakota Army National Guard for almost 12 years now. Unfortunately, both of those environments are ones in which I am constantly surrounded by tobacco use...and, as such, relapse becomes very easy. In addition to that, most of my "blood family" smokes, so any time or conversation shared with them has always revolved around has every milestone (positive or negative) that I have experienced as an adult up to this point.  

...So why am I here? As I already said, this is something that means a-lot to me on many levels. Additionally, I have to believe that the support of others experiencing what you real time...despite the boundaries of distance or differences in lifestyle/culture...must truly be a proverbial silver bullet to the werewolf-esque habit that we all share inside.  

Thanks in advance for the help and support.

   -Rob H.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Wow Rob!  Great to see you here. This is a very inspiring post.  Awesome sir! Keep it up!

EX Community Manager 

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