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Give and get support around quitting


New Quitters Check In!

Hi!  I noticed there are several new quitters this week so I thought we could support you all in one place and you could each get to know your fellow quitters and support one another.

Are you new in your quit?  Did you choose to quit just before the holidays or did you quit on 1/1/2018?  Are you less than 30 days into your quit?

Let everyone know how you are doing!  You can check in here to support each other and get support from the /blogs/Giulia-blog/2017/06/18/elders-list-ao-december-7-2016?sr=search&searchId=37122da5-d471-4574-9...‌ or those who have some DOF (days of freedom) behind them!

Share the victories and the struggles.  You never know how it may touch someone.

294 Replies

If I can do it sld2, U can. I smoked 38 yrs and on November15th 2017 it occurred to me that I can not smoke one more cig the rest of this life, "ONE DAY AT A TIME". I decided the nicotine doesn't get to choose anymore - I choose life. Every one here is rooting for your success, so keep coming back.  

John 53 days and struggling. N.O.P.E= not one puff ever. I learned that  here. 


Hello All...

I wanted to introduce myself. I am 16 days nicotine free...doing it cold turkey. 

I live in GA but went to visit my family in  NY for the holidays,  purposely,  with only 4 cigarettes.  I REFUSED to pay $13/pack so that began my quit on December 23rd. 

I've been back in my own space and where cigarettes are just over $5/pack since January 3rd and have remained smoke free.

  I think about smoking every day, but I don't.

  The most difficult time is my drive to and from work which is 40 minutes each way.  Since I work in a smoke free environment, I'd have 2 cigarettes on the drive in, drive around the block at lunch time and have one  and then light up the first of my two drive home cigarettes, the second I got in the car after work.  Once I got home, I'd smoke 3-5 cigarettes that evening.  Always going outside because I live with my 14 year old daughter so I never smoked in my house.  She knows that I'm quitting and is very proud of me.

    I think about smoking every day but I don't.

As I've seen on other posts, when I go to the store, it's odd to NOT purchase cigarettes.  I keep feeling like I won't make it without them but so far I am.  At 16 days, I think my craves are all mental and as much as I want to be smoke free, I really miss smoking.  I was never a pack-a-day smoker but they were always my constant companion. I can't wait for that feeling to end.

    I think about smoking every day but I don't.


Congratulations! 16 Days WON is quite an accomplishment! $13 a pack might have sped up my quit day too! Although I’m in GA too and $5 a pack should have been enough for both of us to have quit! Good for you not having smoked in the house you share with your daughter. I wish I had been as caring a wife as you are a mother. I smoked an additional 3 years after my husband quit smoking, although in my defense, I tried not smoking around him, but he’d follow me wherever I went, so I gave up and smoked in the house with him. But he’s so proud of me now, and my 5 days quit, cold turkey like you’re doing. 



Congrats on 5 days Laurarutledge NICOTINE FREE SO GOOD AND COOL!!!! Thank you for sharing and giving me hope to remain quit with you too! 


Thank you for your encouragement and CONGRATLATIONS on 5 days quit!  You can do it...we all can!

Love your artwork!


Laurarutledge‌ LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the little elephant!


Hi Laurarutledge‌....

Just thought I'd check in on my fellow GA EX'er.  How are you doing?

0 Kudos

Hi Sandi4, What part of Georgia are you from? I’m on my 13th day quit. And doing better than I expected, but surprisingly, not as good as a couple of days ago. I guess that’s the rollercoaster we should expect from our quits, good days, bad days, better days, best - lol.

0 Kudos

Lucky number 13!!! Way to go! Yes, you're is a rollercoaster.  At day 25, I'm beginning to experience more good days than bad days.

I live in Acworth, GA.  Originally from Long Island, NY.  It's starting to feel a lot like NY here...brrrrrr.

Stay warm and great job on your quit.  We got this.


Hey Sandi.  I'm a Long Islander.  It's snowing here now.  I on day 17.  It has been a little rough for me today.  I don't know why, but I feel edgy.  I know that there are good days and bad days and it's not like I feel it's a bad day.  I just feel unsettled.  I did my breathing, focused on the snow falling down (it's a pretty snow...big flakes), and other helpful tools.  I just can't shake the blah feeling I have.  I think I am tired.  I slept later than usual this morning and still feel like I could sleep until tomorrow, so maybe that's why I feel edgy.  Unfortunately sleep is not an option right now, so I will try to turn in early.  Smoking isn't an option either. I know that.  Have a nice day and thanks for listening.
