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Give and get support around quitting


New Quitters Check In!

Hi!  I noticed there are several new quitters this week so I thought we could support you all in one place and you could each get to know your fellow quitters and support one another.

Are you new in your quit?  Did you choose to quit just before the holidays or did you quit on 1/1/2018?  Are you less than 30 days into your quit?

Let everyone know how you are doing!  You can check in here to support each other and get support from the /blogs/Giulia-blog/2017/06/18/elders-list-ao-december-7-2016?sr=search&searchId=37122da5-d471-4574-9...‌ or those who have some DOF (days of freedom) behind them!

Share the victories and the struggles.  You never know how it may touch someone.

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294 Respuestas

darnPainter‌, so sorry to hear about your Mom! I hope she is in a better place. I also appreciate the support and suggestions. I think you are dead on in describing our need not to fight the urge but examine, evaluate and discredit them. To ignore or try to fight them will only let them grow.

Keep on, keeping on....


HI! I did something similar, in that I just decided not to buy any more cigarettes after the last carton was gone. I used vaping to get me through the first couple of months. That way I had the sensation of smoking, and the nicotine, but not the same rituals associated with cigarettes (lighters, ashtrays, a beginning and end to each one). Once the vaping materials I had purchased were all used  up, I stopped that. I tried nicotine lozenges for like 2 days but they were awful. So on Christmas Day 2017 I woke up nicotine free and have stayed that way. The cravings are intense in the evenings. I find that if I get on this site and read a lot it uses up a lot of time and before I know it it's time for bed and I haven't gone to the store. So I'll keep coming back!  You come, too.


Good Wow since Xmas same way here but I Quit on no October 25th  Went to a program for 8 weeks call Freedom From Smoking. And Of course with a Higher Power wouldn't be able to get  thru all this time it sounds like a lot but is only few days. Keep on going don't give up until you are Free from Smoking.  

Checking in too. Somehow my user name, LindaLivesFree has changed....but it's me. I felt prepared to start my quit several days before my chosen quit date. So I am now TWO days a non smoker. Holding my breath as I have made it that far in the past. I did a LOT of prep work so I'm feeling optimistic. 



Congrats on TWO DOF lindalivesfree‌!  You are what we call a Happy Quitter! /blogs/Thomas3.20.2010-blog/2017/12/05/become-a-happy-quitter?sr=search&searchId=def74b2a-a2ae-40fa-...‌  Keep up the great work, but be aware of pitfalls which can get you.  I practiced a lot of what I call square breathing.  Take a breath in for a count of 4, hold it, and then let it out for a count of 2.  This simulates smoking a sickarette which can help those first few days to get you through cravings.  Keep up the great work and keep this site close!


Hi!!!!!!!!!!! Linda Good for You. Stay on track you will make it. The days will keep adding till you one day be Free from Smoking. Is go to get some help from a Higher Power. Get a support good Luck to you. I am on my 84 day. some days are good some days are bad but Hopefully all the will pass. I know this will pass too shall pass. I can handle this .Take one step at a time. Good Luck


Good morning newbee here, day 4 smoke free. I have tried to quit many times previously,This quit is different, i had a birthday on 12/31/2017 smoked my last cigerette  the day before, and told myself the best gift i could ever give myself was to quit smoking for good, i have to much to do in . the future and don't want to be held back because i'm sick from smoking, or unable to breathe ,i was not at that point yet but i am sure if i continued to smoke my health would have gotten worse and i have no time for that.  So this quit is for myself, and my family. So far i have not had any really bad cravens, i do my best not to think about smoking, for me i have to change my thought pattern either how discusting smoking is usually start thinking about something else and that gets me through a crave. Im not going to say the though of smoking doesn't pop in my head cause it does but i change it very quickly and move on. Find this site to  be very helpful so i will be spending most of my day doing lots of reading ,and looking at pinterest my other favorite site. Thank you everyone for your support we can do this. Have a happy smoke free day.





JoAnne fabulousat50‌ Huge congrats on 4 DOF!  I am happy to hear you say you are doing this for you (first)!  One day, the thought of not smoking will not enter your head for a whole day!  We have blog posts on that topic as well!  Might I suggest reading Alan Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking as long as you are spending time reading?  It did wonders for many people on the site.  You can find a free PDF copy of it if you search the title of the book with PDF at the end.  I listened to the book on CD in my car the first three weeks into my quit and it helped tremendously!

Happy Birthday (belated) to you!  That is an EXCELLENT present you gave yourself!


Thank you i will take you up on your advise, plan on doing lots of reading.




That is the best decision that  you have taking been free from Smoking.  Stay on track you will make it. The days will keep adding. Is go to get some help from a Higher Power. Get a support from friends and Family  good Luck to you. I am on my 84 day. Some days are good some days are bad but Hopefully all the will pass. I know this will pass too shall pass. I can handle this .Take one step at a time. Just take One Day a The Time.