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Give and get support around quitting


New Quitters Check In!

Hi!  I noticed there are several new quitters this week so I thought we could support you all in one place and you could each get to know your fellow quitters and support one another.

Are you new in your quit?  Did you choose to quit just before the holidays or did you quit on 1/1/2018?  Are you less than 30 days into your quit?

Let everyone know how you are doing!  You can check in here to support each other and get support from the /blogs/Giulia-blog/2017/06/18/elders-list-ao-december-7-2016?sr=search&searchId=37122da5-d471-4574-9...‌ or those who have some DOF (days of freedom) behind them!

Share the victories and the struggles.  You never know how it may touch someone.

Etiquetas (3)
294 Respuestas

Checking in rollercoaster.  I am going on 3 days now.  It's a little rocky at some points, but I have been using tools that I have learned from previous attempts.  I am figuring out triggers and changing behaviors.  All in all I am happy.  There's a snow advisory out for tonight.  It says we are going to get a lot of snow.  As I was grocery shopping today I realized that I don't have to stock up on cigarettes.  Usually I would be in a panic about having them in case the roads were impassable.  I'm grateful I will not be smoking.  If I can't get to work tomorrow there is plenty to do around the house or I may decide to do nothing around the house and treat myself to a day of movies.  I can do that now because I am free to make the choice.  No longer a prisoner to cigarettes.  Thanks for starting this conversation.  Have a wonderful smoke free day.



I am happy to hear things are going well enough 3 days in MichelleDiane‌!  Rocky is ok.  Keep the site close and if you need serious help, come here first, post a discussion with HELP in the title and someone will answer.  You are absolutely free to make a choice and choosing to be free is amazing!

As Larry OldBones-Larry‌ says, one step and then another will get you where you want to be.


Congrats great self care keep on keeping on staying quit no matter what TOGETHER is beautiful 

Michele Diane!! Thinking about you! Never quit quitting! NOPE!


On Jan 4, 2018 7:06 AM, "MichelleDiane" <>

Congratulations, Michelle! Prayers for continued success. Keep on keepin' on!


Well you have just make the best decision ever in your Life. Keep on going is not going to be easy but not IMPOSIBLE. I am on my 84 day it hasn't been easy but thanks to a Higher Power and a support group I am sticking to it. I Smoke from almost  4 decades  from5 to 6 cigarettes a day. Wish you the best and keep on going until you become FREE of Nicotine.


Good for you. Welcome to Freedom from Smoking If your ever question your decision Never question your decision thi is the most loving thing you ever do for yourself. Is only few days of discomfort  in exchange of your freedom. One step and then another step will get you want to be. Congratulation This is my 3rd month since I quit ell the 25th will be tree month  just say  N- no

                          O- one

                          P- puff

                         E- ever.

 Good Luck.


Hi, checking in here too! 12/27 was my day. Closing in on my first week! I did things a bit different in that I did not "pick" a quit date but decided the pack I was on was the last one and quit when I puffed the last cig.

I had discussed my options with my doc prior to quitting. She offered Chantrix and Wellbutrin as well as telling me patches would be OK.

Chantrix scared the heck out of me. There are some issues in my family which fortunately I do not have but a little too close for comfort. I went with Wellbutrin and started taking it the day after my last smoke. Doc instructed me to take (what I am assuming ) a small dose for one week and then doubling for 2-3 months and then back to the initial amount. In reading on the web, I decided to go cold turkey (rather suffer more over a shorter time). I was also off work between xmas and new years which I think was a plus.

Early on -  Having quit before I kinda knew first hand what was coming. First couple days I spent sleeping, vegging out in front of the tube, drinking a lot of cranberry juice and hitting the gym (read that sweating and steam saunas are a great way to dump nicotine.)

After first couple days felt better, breathing easier, not as much wheezing...

Now - last day or so I feel some sensation (hard to really describe as pain) in my lungs. Periodically will also feel something (tightness) in my chest (heart?). Head aches at times but seems to come/go like cravings. I have some coughing in the morning but not much (does feel like stuff may be moving, loosening up in there.... sorry if that's gross..... ). Been making it past cravings mostly with breathing. Few weeks back watched a you tube video on yoga which focused on breathing which I try to apply which does help. Been trying movement as well (get up, walk around, find an empty conf room and stretch a bit) to slog through it.

Hoping concentration/focus comes back soon as I seem to require a lot more effort at work to accomplish tasks (easily distracted, hard to motivate to action).

Well...... I'm sure this much loooonger than expected but it really does feel good to just type it all out.

Thanks for reading and look forward to the support of this site.


NeedToBe‌ I am glad you typed it all out.  That is what this thread is for!  Maybe someone else is experiencing or has experienced the same thing and that, by itself makes everyone feel better!  Congrats on your first week!  Keep up the great work!  I wrote this blog post 14 days into my quit and I still laugh at "the ugly" part.  Read the comments.  It was nice to know I was not alone.