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Give and get support around quitting


New Quitter

Hi everyone, just joined the site and your group. My quit date is tomorrow (Monday) and I'm looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time. I'm going to use the nicotine patches, all stocked up and ready to go. Looking forward to getting to know you. Di

Just learning this site and put this on a comment wall but not sure exactly what that is. LOL So reposting here.
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12 Replies

Hi Di

I just quit too 47 hours ago. I am still craving but with the patch on I don't dare give in to it. It is tough I have tried to many times to count and not successful. We can hang in there together,
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Hi Mag, yes I understand what you mean, I have quit many times also. You lean on me and I'll lean on you and we'll be ok! I put my patch on this morning at 8:30, was a busy day for me at work, so really didn't have time to think about it much, except after lunch of course. It was a beautiful day here today so as soon as I got home from work, I went for a walk. It felt good.

Stay strong, we can do this!
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I don't work so I have all day to get thru. I am doing fine so far. It is cold here in tn today so I think I will use the tread mill for my walk today. I know my breathing is a little better today.

I would like to be there for each other too. I am not really much of a talker but I will try as I go thru this with the help of friends from here.
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Hi Mag, I am walking also to help with the craves. It was a bit cool here in Florida today but it felt good to get out and walk. I'm sure it is much colder where you are. I am getting over bronchitis and still coughing some and yes it does get hard to breathe at times. Do you play computer games? That seems to occupy some of my time too. I like to play video poker and slot machines online (free of course). Don't hesitate to yell for help if you need it and I'll do the same. 🙂
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Hi DI, I just joined this club today, saw it under "All Clubs" listing on the "EX" site, which I joined about a week and a half ago. How are you doing on your quit? It will be 2 weeks tomorrow for me (4th attempt in 6 yrs, another birthday (56)coming up in a week) I used a little gum, does not help that much, too afraid of side-effects of Chantix, but am very tempted to try it as I am still having very serious mental cravings even after 2 wks, it is so HARD to give up a 40 yr. habit!!! I am just completely avoiding ANY cigarette enviornment or people right now, helps, as I am sure I would have relapsed by now if I was not doing this, well, ONE DAY AT A TIME I GUESS!!! Take Care, Kathy from TX.
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Hi Kathy, Yes this quitting gets hard at times. I am using the patches and they do help me. I tried chantix a couple years ago, but I had to quit because of the indigestion that I had while taking it. But a friend of mine used it and she will be quit 2 years in January. I can't even keep track anymore of how many times I have tried to quit. I had a 4 1/2 year quit and got stupid thinking I could have just one and I was right back to where I started, smoking a pack a day. I have trouble avoiding people smoking as my boss, my daughter in law and my gentleman friend all smoke.

Hey I saw on your profile that your birthday is on the 28th. Happy birthday to you. Mine is on the 29th, turning the double nickels this year. Going on a weekend cruise on Friday to celebrate.
Di from FL
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Hi Di. I just wanted to say congratulations and that I hope things are still going well for you. I use SilkQuit to track the number of days, number of cigarettes, money saved and life gained by not smoking. So far, it has been a really good motivator.
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I have been smoking for a very long time,
and I quit, and I feel you can too!!
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Thanks everyone for your recent comments. Unfortunately I started smoking again. Plan on quitting sometime in January but have not picked a specific date yet. Hope everyone else made it through the holidays smoke free!
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