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Give and get support around quitting


New Quit Date... March 1st

Thank you so much for your support. I messed up my quit time also... I actually had six months instead of five. I'm ready to start to get back to this now. For those of you who have been with me from the beginning, you know that I love you and I am so grateful that you've been here. It couldn't have happened without you and all the love and support that I've gotten from you guys. For that one person who told me to grow up because I said my mom bought the pack of cigarettes.... well, first... I was born 30. My childhood wasn't playful and carefree. I've had to be a responsible adult for as long as I can remember. Coming from a family of alcoholics and drug addicts, as well as an abusive father, I never had that luxury. Millions of others had it exactly the same so I'm not special. I did, however, have beautiful grandparents who took me and raised me with all the love that I could ask for. My only wish is that I could've had more years with them. I became their caregivers and watched them both slowly slip away. Pap died of cancer and Gram from Alzheimer's disease, but I would take care of them all over again because they were my true Mom and Dad. They gave me the values that make me the good person that I am. I'm open-minded, respectful of others, I believe that all people should be treated equally and with the same respect, and my faith in God has gotten me through things that most can't imagine. I'm a fighter and a survivor and I was the first one in my family to graduate from high school and I'm the only one that pursued a college education and did it. I haven't always had the best health and I've battled a digestive disease for 2 and a half years that was horrendous for most of that time and through that I lost everything. I had to move into my parent's house with them. My health is finally better and I am trying my best to get a job. I need to get another car and move back into my own place. Those things will happen because I won't ever give up, but both parents are smokers and I never gave me much support in quitting. None of this is an excuse for me to smoke. I screwed up and I have to fix it. I am finding out, from the time I smoked the first cigarette, that all the reasons I wanted to quit before are still there, but even more so now. They smell horrible, they don't even taste good, they're disgusting and I'll be glad when they're out of my life forever. They actually suck..... and yet we are here fighting to quit. I can't stand anything having control over me so I will fight hard to get rid of them for good! For a year before I quit on August 12th, I smoked between 3-5 cigarettes a day and then before my quit date I got down to one a day. When I got the pack it was like I went right back to 2018. I've been smoking about 2-4 cigarettes a day and I absolutely want to quit! I'm so disappointed in what I did, but I know that I can do it because all of you are here. The licorice works great for me. It did before. Those twizzler licorice bits work amazingly well. That's the plan. Those of you who have been writing messages of support, thank you so much, especially all of you who have been with me for the past six months and more. I love you and you're always in my thoughts and prayers. Martha, yes I pray. I'm a pastor and therapist and I probably talk to God more than anyone else. I had an interview on Tuesday and it went better than I ever could have asked. I'm waiting to hear, but I have a feeling.... please send me good vibes and if you pray, please pray for me. Thank you all more than I can say.


(That's what most of my friends call me, but Terrie is fine, too)


Rev or Terrie

6 Respuestas

Dearest Rev with tears in my eyes from your story....I have read it before, but today it was more raw...please take care of YOU and I have no doubt you will get this quit down...God will help...just ask...we are here for YOU hon...wishing you a stress free Saturday ~ Colleen 439 DOF 



I dearly love you. You've been one of my favorites from the very first time I came here. I believe that we're not that different, and I think you 'get' me and what's going on in my life and the things that I'm trying to do. You'll never know how much your support truly means to me. I was called back in for a second interview with every boss in the agency and was told that they rarely have anyone come back for a second interview so I should see that as a very good sign. I was also told, after answering more questions and having discussions, that they loved how open I am about my own life, my determination, my empathy and compassion, and they love my fight.... they know that I'll use that fiestyness to make other people's lives better. When I was walking out, the director thought he had closed the door completely, but he hadn't and I heard him say to the others.... didn't I tell you, she's the one! After hearing that I felt like doing cartwheels through the parking lot! He sent me a message asking for my transcripts because he just wanted to make sure I had everything as far as the state is concerned, but that was about all he needed from me to secure the position. I'm fairly sure I have the job! Praise God... because the night before the interview dad was drunk out in the garage while I was here in the house on the phone talking to a woman who had gone through a horrible ordeal with a man at her part-time job where she was harassed. So much so that she had to quit out of fear. She was really upset and was talking to the one person that she considers to be her pastor. Dad was on the other phone the entire time listening and came in the house flipping out because, in his drunken state, he thought our conversation was about him. I have no idea how he came to that conclusion. That's the kind of stress that I've been under constantly. This job will be one of God's most wonderful blessings because I need out of here! Nothing is worth smoking, and when I'm back in my own place I know it'll be much easier for me. 

Barb, you're another favorite that's been on this journey with me since I started. I love and appreciate you too. All of you help in different ways and keep me on this path. I don't believe that anyone should lose everything and end up in a situation where I am just because they got sick. The really sad thing is that there are people in worse situations who aren't as strong as I am and they're in worse shape physically. Those are the ones that I really pray for and think about. I'm grateful for the wonderful friends I have and all of you beautiful people who continue to be so helpful. I love you!


I might suggest you also write down your list of reasons for quitting noted above and keep them handy to look at when you are tempted.  As well, write out a list of things you can do when the cravings start.   This list might help give you some ideas: - but writing them down and doing even one thing when the going gets tough will get you past most uncomfortable moments. Promise yourself you will blog :HELP" here before you smoke!

Have you read the book by Allen Carr ("The Easy Way to Stop Smoking")?.  While most don't find it easy, a lot of folks - me included - give it a lot of credit for our success.  It has great information on what nicotine does to your body and mind.

You have overcome a LOT - and I am sure if you put the same resolve into your quit, it will be successful, too!



Rev/Terrie, even though it's still an addiction, I can't believe you only smoke 2 - 4 cigarettes a day.  For most of us, we're talking packs.  I'm so happy for you that you're making the commitment and  I'm glad you told you're story again.  It's been a while, so I didn't remember all the details.  You certainly are a survivor and that's why you will be successful with your quit.  For some of us, it takes a few (or several!) attempts for it to stick.  Don't look back with regrets, only forward to success.

Hoping for the best outcome with job interview.  

This is your time.


No aplicable

Focus on the goal , focus on what you can do to quit smoking .This is just my thoughts because I know myself I likely would have thought about doing what you did at one time and likely did on a few occasions .   There were my reasons for me asking others to buy them for me ... money was tight , , stress was on overload ,  maybe I even would have bowed to low as to  blame them for buying them when I was clearly quitting . That would certainly get me off the hook , sorta but then I would feel guilt too for having to satisfy my problem and my addiction . It's when I hated my addiction most I think . Lies . Lies we believed lies we used to justify our addiction . 

You can't smoke what you don't buy or borrow . You can't smoke  if you don't ask someone to buy them for you either or bum one here and there . You can not smoke and be quit at the same time . My mom was that casual smoker who only smoked others cigarettes , two here and two there . Kept two on the side for safe keeping . She died of pancreatic and liver cancer . I'm sure you know smoking won't help your illnesss , it's creating more problems for your illness than helping . It's creating more stress. 

It is our responsibility to take responsibility to keep our quit and take the responsibility if we smoke  . Let no interference , come between ;  that is the enemy . Discern addict thinking from who your higher power intended Terre to be , and what you want . You and He are a team . Listen to Him . Talk to Him but listen too . To Him , not the enemy . Your higher knows your circumstances . No other support frankly is needed but we are our worst enemies and our biggest downfall sometimes . What I say here or what others say won't keep you quit unless you decide to keep it yourself .

I am glad you are back on the wagon . I'm glad you have chosen a quit date although I'm not sure what you think smoking will help over the next two weeks but I do respect your choice because in the end it will be your choices that will beat this addiction . I'm here to support ad best I am able . I know you can do it . 

I will keep your circumstances in thought and prayer and pray for your strength to keep the new upcoming quit as your forever quit come March 1 .

I will one day post a poem in the prayer circle here that helped me greatly . Msybe it will help you too . 

Sincerely Maki  


That's story of honest person, nicely put forward.Yes, I can imagine the pains you would have had...Smoking cigarette is pain actually, no gain.

So you recollect any good moment in your quit, and relate. You will feel better...back to square one...marching towards March 1st...

I am sure you go with confidence, you will be able to quit..

All the best !

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