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New Day, New Beginning: Do the Right Thing

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.

– George Bernard Shaw

I am sure we have heard the phrase. "Do the right thing".  In the 80'st Spike Lee produced a movie with that title  I think that movie help make the phrase famous. I still tell my adult children if you can't do the right thing be careful.  Everyday we have to make choices. What to eat, wear, do. the list is long. I have a problem when it comes to choosing snacks.  Sometimes I don't get it right and regret that I have  made the wrong choice. What a feeling of guilt that overcomes me and I have to keep starting over.  It would be easier if I did not buy them but with a young man in the house that is difficult. I believe that is my EXcuse to eat the chips and cookies. Bottom line making the right choice is not always easy. How can we make it easier.  I could make it easier by not buying the snacks.  Let him buy his own. lol.

      Seriously.  When it comes to smoking we have to realize it is and will always be a choice.  The smoke or not to smoke. Simple.  It takes  time and practice of doing it over and over again not to smoke un til making the right choice becomes automatic. Every time you say no you become stronger which over time makes it easier .

      Anyone who has been on this journey any length of time realizes that quitting smoking isn't just about quitting smoking. It is about changing the mind to make the right choice and believing that one can  It takes debunking years of programming that you have to smoke. Quitting requires a change in your brain to "unwash the brainwashing". It takes relearning our thinking. @SELF TALK.  can help get you there. 

      There is a brighter future to envision for not smoking. New opportunities, new freedoms, doors that were closed open.  Your family life will become much happier. The stigma and low self esteem of being a smoker is removed .  You become very proud of yourself and realize that if you can quit smoking you are capable to accomplish many other things.  The financial relief is so much of a blessing the savings is phenomenal. You will also feel spiritually cleansed and grow in other areas of your life.(e.i. emotionally)  You become stronger mentally, the cloud of confusion is lifted.  Some of us finally get a “backbone” and learn to say no more often. Which is a good thing. We no longer feel like a second class citizen.

      Anything worth having requires work and so does changing your mind .With a I don't do that anymore mindset and NOPE not one puff ever NMW no matter  /blogs/JACKIE1-25-15-blog/2019/10/23/dig-deep?sr=search&searchId=29e56d6a-a7e1-46e1-a6bc-bd68507fe75...   Take smoking offer the table and  no longer an option SINAO smoking is not an option. and quitting is DOABLE.   By coming here reading the suggested material you can learn about nicotine addiction and how to deal with craves to put you on a clear path to freedom. . 


Today is the day to do the right thing, change your mind. make the right choice.  Choose Freedom.  Hang tough, stay close, don’t quit on your quit, protect it. 

Do the Right Thing (1989) | The Criterion Collection

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..doing the right thing is not always the EASIEST thing...but we usually know the right from the wrong thing...

Follow your instincts!


Thank you Jackie, beautiful blog!

And yes, we are all guilty of not making the right choices always; but the choice to quit smoking should weigh heavy in every fiber of our body!  It is our ticket to a healthier life, physically and mentally healthier, and to the so coveted Freedom.  Only if you never smoked, or been addicted, you don't know what that Freedom means. 

The rest of us all do!!!

Make the right choice today!