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Give and get support around quitting


Need ideas on what to do as far as coping skills when drastic things happen. Dangerous stuff

How do I get my self together and not panic cause I don't want to smoke

8 Respuestas

Thanks for asking about Dangerous stuff - like panic - SUGGESTION made to ME - EDUCATION -  is one of the keys to acceptance - READ - READ - READ -  the blogs offered here and ALL the offers here for YOU to decide and then -  YOU MY beloved Julie1960 - get to CHOOSE for YOURSELF - what work's best for YOU - please and thank YOU -  check out THE EX TEAM BLOGS too  - they have GOOD info too - gentle hug 


*Call a friend

*Take slow/deep breaths, going slower and deeper with each

*Take a walk

* Count the blue things in your room

* March in place

* Remind yourself (over and over if necessary) that you don't smoke anymore and change your mind's direction.

* Do something\anything to get your mind off of your problems

* Remind yourself that smoking is going to do not one good thing to change the "drastic things" and will only make you feel WORSE if you have to start back over at Day One.

* Remind yourself that you had "drastic things" happened when you smoked, and think about what smoking did to make them better (if you answer honestly, it will be "nothing!)

Hang in there.  This too shall pass.

Stay close!  Don't smoke!



Drink plenty of cold water, listen to your favorite music, Dance like noones watching, Hop on one foot. Do anything to distract yourself. 


Dangerous stuff? Drastic?

Please say more. 

There are medications available to diminish the desire to smoke. Have you talked to your doctor. 

In terms of dealing with trouble, don't wait for the mental pain to get worse, or go away. Work your quit. If you think you cannot handle what you are feeling anymore, seek counseling with someone who understands quitting. You might try your local hospital first for support and direction.

There are always answers. Look for them, don't run away.


If you are experiencing panic attacks, there have been some great suggestions already. 1st, did you have panic disorder before quitting? If you did, try to recall what coping skills you used before quitting. You can get through this. Remember that a panic attack only lasts 20 minutes, you have had panic attacks before and made it through and you still can. I believe in you!!

0 Kudos

Julie I would be in a panic too! My suggestion is to seek out help to express your emotions in healthy ways. I use neurofeedback, cognitive behavioral therapy, and dialectic behavioral therapy. It's ok to get help.


I suffer from horrific panic disorder, and I find the following very useful:


It is not always easy to have the presence of mind to do the above exercise when the panic strikes. I know. So I've also found that having a "comfort object" helps immensely. It can be a small stone, a stuffed animal, a figurine, a piece of jewelry--anything you can hold in your hands that brings you comfort. It's like a security blanket for adults. It should be something meaningful to you--something that makes you smile and evokes warm, positive feelings. And it should be something small enough that you can carry it with you anywhere. Any time you feel panic rising in you, hold that object close to your heart. Focus all of your attention on it. I have several comfort objects, but my favorite is a bracelet that my Mom bought me. I wear it on especially difficult days.

And don't forget to breathe! There is a lot of power in deep breathing. 



i should add that finding things to do , is what helped me cope the most. .....anything that distracted my thoughts. Mt favorite was cleaning everything in my house...every nook and cranny