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NML & In-betweener Weekly Check in - 3/5/2018

We do this blog every Monday to offer encouragement and camaraderie to those in No Man’s Land -- months 2-3-4 of a quit and for those between NML and the 6% club (1 year of a quit). Regardless of how long you’ve been quit, anyone who likes the conversation and wants to offer support is welcome to participate!


This week’s topic: Are you in No Man’s Land?

Are you about a month into your quit? Are you feeling a little down, a little lost? Don’t fret – you’re entering No Man’s Land, the 100 days that start at the end of your first month.

The first month of a quit is emotional and exhausting; you’re living in the moment and focusing all of your energy on your brand new quit. Around the one-month mark, things start to change, and you spend the next 100 days or so in a place called “No Man’s Land.”

In No Man’s Land, you’ve come a long way, but still have a long way to go.
 The routine cravings are gone but the surprise cravings can really catch you off guard. Your family and friends think you should be “over it” while you still feel quite fragile sometimes. Your relationships with smoking friends/family may be feeling strained. Your inner junkie is still around, still whispering to you, and the temptation to give in can be overwhelming at times.

But here’s the good news
. In these same 100 days, for most people, your circulation has improved substantially, walking has become easier, and your overall lung function has increased noticeably. Sinus congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath have decreased. Your body's overall energy has increased. The roller coaster is smoothing out, and you are feeling calmer and stronger overall. Good things are happening! 



If you're in NML or an In-betweener right now, give a shout!  Reach out and find each other! 


Click here to read Dale’s helpful blog about No Man’s Land:   

Click here to read what to expect in the first four months:  /blogs/jonescarp.aka.dale.Jan_2007-blog/2011/06/26/what-to-expect-in-the-first-four-months?sr=search...


Checking in here will help you get through NML and on your way to the first year where you can celebrate being in the 6% Club and graduate to eventually become an Elder!


Please let me know if you are interested in posting the NML Weekly Check In.  I am happy to continue it, share it, or pass it to the nEXt EXer in NML who is ready, willing, and able.

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27 Replies

And congrats on 258 DOF that is really amazing. 

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I'm just entering NML (day 36).  It may be coincidence but I had a crappy day today. Had more craves than I have had in the last week, everyone at work got on my last nerve, and I feel exhausted even though I slept for 9 hours.

Yesterday I woke up with a VERY painful and swollen pinkie finger/upper palm area. I have no idea how it happened. As the day went on, the pain and swelling got worse. Went to the Dr. today and she has no idea either. She sent me to get an X-Ray and of course the Radiologist had left for the day so I have to wait until tomorrow to find out anything. Ugh.

I REALLY wanted a smoke today but rode it out. 

Sorry to vent but that's one the things bloging is for, right?


Vent away CarolinaGal.  There are days like that unfortunately.  I remember coming to this community so many times saying that my nerves were shot and I was cranky as a bear (I've never met a bear, but can only imagine one that is cranky looks like me).  Everyone encouraged me to continue to vent and express my feelings and I did.  I still have some rough days, but I think the good days outweigh the bad days.  Hang in there and I hope your finger is okay.



You got through it without smoking.  Celebrate your victory!  You will have bad days and you will re-learn how to get through them without smoking.  Let's hope nothing is seriously broken on your pinkie/palm.


I am in the in-betweener land with 258 DOF.  I am strong in my quit today.  My mother-in-law just mentioned to me this past weekend how proud they are of me that I quit smoking.  It has taken them 8 1/2 months to say something.  All good.  I am continuing to learn how to get through things for the first time without smoking and it feels great!


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Hi everyone! 64 days for me as well. I was reading about the positives of NML time and it says circulation is improving and energy levels are up—but what if it’s the opposite? I’ve been having many days in which I have no energy at all, some pretty bad body aches and pains, and a lot of headaches. This isn’t really normal for me. I’ve also had some depression issues, maybe it’s all related? I tried playing and running around with my kids today and then felt a lot worse. I don’t get it—I quit smoking to be healthier and start feeling a lot less healthy! 

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Depression can cause a lot of the tiredness and lack of energy.  Maybe you are fighting off some kind of bug?  Our minds play tricks on us and make us think we were healthier when smoking.  I can assure you that IS NOT the case.

I actually ended up in a hospital with a bad ear infection and throat infection AFTER I quit smoking!  I needed IV antibiotics it was so bad.  

Maybe you need to adjust your eating?  Are you eating enough?  Healthy foods?  Nutritious foods?  Are you getting exercise?  How is your mental health?  Think about the possible causes OTHER than smoking and see what you may come up with.  You can always talk to your doctor as well.  I bet the Dr. will be thrilled you quit smoking!

Hi and thanks for the reply! I think it is likely due to the depression and anxiety I’ve been feeling, and yes I probably need to adjust my eating. I used to eat a pretty specific diet but I’ve kind of let that all fall by the wayside when I quit, justifying it with “better than smoking.” My daughter is a Girl Scout and this was bad, bad timing for her to sell cookies! It’s been so hard to exercise because of all of the body aches and pains. Maybe a trip to the dr is what’s needed. 

Thanks again,


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Oh no not girl scout cookies! They are my kryptonite I'll eat a whole box if they're in the house. 

You and me both! On box #4... ack!!

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