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Give and get support around quitting




 I'm NEW to the group, today I am 7 days smoke free using the Nicoderm patch. I have smoked about a pack (Plus) a day for probably 35 years and this is my 1st attempt EVER in quitting. This was not planned at all, I happened to get sick with a bad chest cold that wouldn't go away and something about the cough I got- scared me so bad, that I just went to our local CVS store, bought the patches, and QUIT then and there! I honestly didn't think I would last 2 days, so completing a week is way past my expectations & my 13 year old son is THRILLED. I don't see myself going back - I HATE IT!  Even with the patch, day 2 on are VERY hard. I feel out of sorts, my brain just isn't functioning, there are moments I can't even think... it's so odd. It's not even like I want to go out and smoke, I just don't think my brain knows how to handle the fact that I'm not smoking. The patch definitely works, but in all fairness - it only takes the edge off - you still have to put in the work to not light up again.  I like the fact that I can work on the mental part of the addiction FIRST which for me is more of WHY I was still smoking than anything - it's was my source of EVERYTHING!!! I will focus on the physical part later down the road when I have established a new cigarette free lifestyle - I'm a "one thing- at a time" kind of girl ! 

Anyway, I have been reading through so many great blogs- the support seems amazing and the advice is fantastic and uplifting. It's comforting to see I am not alone in my plight to quit this horrible habit. Day 8 here I come!! 🙂 

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60 Replies

JonesCarpeDiem‌  You're just egging me on, aren't you.  I know, I know.

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No, I'm just seeing our own pictures with captions added in Paint can be just as effective as what we get off the internet.


Thank you for the warm welcome, the GREAT advice, and most importantly...thank you for the LAUGH!! It took me a second to realize that it was a horses nose, but when I did I burst out laughing!! Love it 🙂 I plan on taking all the steps that you have suggested, and I will join the relapse group as well. This is also my 1st time joining any type of on line support group and I am so happy to see how seriously everyone takes the group. I've seen other groups that were just terrible, this is the exact opposite and I can see why long term Ex-Smokers stick around. Wisdom is the key to success, and definitely it's "ONE.DAY.AT.A.TIME" I have no illusions that this will ever be easy. I look forward to sharing, learning and would love to know how long you have been smoke free!

Many of us included our quit date after our name.

My quit date was 1-2-2007

there's a couple further ahead of me.


Congratulations!! That's amazing and inspiring! I love that idea. I will have to figure out how to change my user name so I can add my date   11/12/17  🙂 

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I love the horse nose picture. My horses' nose-shots are something I love to take because they're so goofy. Bar's Nose-shot.jpgLucky's nose1.jpg


LOL LOL.. Awesome way to wake up and start the day!!! Horse snots are hysterical, who knew!! Thanks for sharing and starting my day off with a laugh and BIG smile... even as I type this! :-)))))

0 Kudos

Yes horse nose pics ARE goofy and fun!  I like yours!  minihorses


(I did mine on Photobucket.)

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I don't use photobucket any longer because we don't need to on this platform and they started charging to post to other sites.

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