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Give and get support around quitting


My first time quitting

I decided on Sunday February 14th I wasn't going to smoke anymore cigarettes. I told my husband on Friday the 12th I was thinking about it and had smoked 2 cigarettes that day and one on Saturday. I generally smoke anywhere between 4 and 10 cigarettes a day, depending on what I'm doing that day, if I'm drinking any alcohol or smoking anything else. It wasn't difficult to stop because I have had this lower respiratory infection for almost 2 weeks and my cough had gotten so bad I was out of breath most of the time anyway, not wanting a cigarette.

I think I started to try cigarettes when I was 14. I did it with my friends because my parents and their parents did it so we thought it was cool and helped with stress. I don't think I started smoking everyday until I was 16 or 17. I'm 25 now. The hardest thing for me right now is I don't feel like I want to quit. I have almost a full pack in my car, and I don't plan on smoking any of it, but I'm not ready to throw them away. I also don't want to break my streak. Another hard thing is I am also quitting daily marijuana because I don't think I can smoke without needing a cigarette as well. The same goes for alcohol. I know I'm only 4-6 days in, but I'm not having that difficult of a time when it comes to physical withdrawal. It's the emotional and psychological part for me. I don't know what to do with my time. I miss getting off of my 12 hour shift at the hospital and getting high then smoking cigarettes on the patio for an hour to get rid of the day. And I'm preemptively missing other moments where I'll want a cigarette. I'm terrified of No Man's Land and it taking more than 4 months to kick this. I know I need to sit down and write out reasons why I want to quit but I don't feel like I have any. I am also PMSing so I'm emotional. The odds just feel like they are stacked against me for this first 2 weeks, and then I read that it continues to be hard for 4 months after the fact.. honestly I'm just bullheaded and proud that I've made it 4 whole days without smoking, and that's why I don't want another.

I wanted to make this post to vent, maybe get a quitting friend or at least someone I can talk to, and have something to look back on later as I continue through this journey. 

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk. 

My name is karlee and I'm addicted to cigarettes and marijuana. 

'Til next time

Etiquetas (1)
24 Respuestas

Welcome to the site! You have come to the right place - please stick around! You can do this! 

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Welcome to EX! You really have come to the right place & you have gotten GREAT advice. CONGRATULATIONS on your decision to quit. It WILL get easier as you add more time between you & your last puff. Remember NOPE, Not One Puff Ever, one day at a time! You CAN do this & the rewards you will experience will make it all worthwhile. You are so young, quitting now is the best gift you will ever give yourself & those who love you.



Congratulations ! 

This site is excellent... There is support, advice, experience sharing, learnings, great quotes, and more over empathy for all who try to quit. 

Please log on every day, read, write, answer, go through many good advises written earlier on this site, and interesting Mayo Clinic blog.

All the best !


Best of luck on this journey.

Good luck and just believe in yourself.

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You can do it!! I had the same problem. I was smoking weed too much where I couldn't feel it, and smoking cigarettes to much where I felt like i always needed to smoke. I gave up both . Today is day 23 where I haven't smoked a cigarette and weed 

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Kudos to you @spiritwulf_11! Keep up the great work!

Quiana, EX Team

EX Community Admin Team
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@spiritwulf_11 Welcome to the Ex and congrats on 23 day of success.

If you need some support along the way, just reach out.  We're here for you!

Stay busy and stay close.


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  • Hi Karlee,  Congratulations on making it smoke free for 4 days. I am still working on 24 hours smoke free. Starting today at 4 p.m. April 16, 2024. I'm excited about it though I know it will be difficult.  I have to prepare myself for the withdrawal or discomfort of not smoking. That's the hardest part. I would love to be your quit buddy and share our experiences .

Hi @Caridad Hope all is well and I'm happy for your 4 pm quit time. 

 Just an  FYI.   The post from Karlee if from 2021.  I hope she's still quit, but ????



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