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Give and get support around quitting

My final quit!!!!

I have been smoking since I was 23 years old and am now 40.  Last few years I was smoking a pack a day.  I decided to quit in January but that didn't go so well.  I managed to go for 3 hours before giving in.   Then I had tried again a couple weeks later and managed to quit for 9 days!!!  I thought I was done; but I wasn't!  I slipped. I quit cold turkey that time and the first few days were hell but then it got better.  But I started getting really depressed which isn't me at all.  So I caved in.   I felt so guilty and ashamed and so disappointed in myself.  I really was beating myself up and there was a battle going on in my head.

I tried the gums and lozengers but they just didn't keep my from smoking for more than a few hours at a time.      So, I went a got the patch and that is working great for me.    I put one on Wednesday morning and that day wasn't hard at all!  Then I went the whole day yesterday without smoking but there were more cravings the second day.  I took the patch off an hour before going to bed and had a cig right before bed.  I hated it and didn't get anything from it,  This time I didn't beat myself up for that slip though.  I knew after smoking that cig that I was done with cigarettes.  It was a very unpleasant experience and even made me nauseated.  So this morning at 6:30 am, I put on another patch as soon as I woke up.  I've only had a few thoughts about smoking in the last 5 hours but all that keeps coming to my mind when those thoughts come up is how nasty and bad it made me feel last night!  So that is great!!!!!!!    Just a reminder for those using the patch--don't smoke while you are wearing the patch.  you cold have a stroke or heart attack.  I wouldn't want to chance that! 


I will continue to use the patch through all the steps and am sure that this is my final quit!  Now time to get my husband to get on the patch!    Good luck everyone.  Some people can quit cold turkey but for me it didn't last.  So whatever method works for you; then go with it and don't look back and don't look too far ahead.  I wish everyone the best!


This forum is awesome!  Everyone here has been so encouraging and it really helps!  I will continue to use this forum for support and give as much support to those here also.

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