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Give and get support around quitting



Hi everyone, I have been failing to stop smoking. I don't crave for a cigarette I smoke bc I get bored I've tried the gum, patches ETC but I am a tiny person so the nicotine was to strong. My Problem is my MIND telling me to buy a pack. How can I control my brain. 

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32 Replies

You have the power within  you to quit but you must really want to quit enough so that you do not buy that pack of cigarettes to keep on hand that is just like saying if it gets a little to hard I have my stash .

    Truthfully though I quit with about 4 cigarettes left in my pack ,I knew I did not want to smoke them but I wanted to always know I had the choice no matter what time of day it was . I threw them way into the back of the top shelf of my closet I am now 871 days free ! About a year ago my friend /room mate ran out of cigs I told her where my 4 were and now after all this time I do not need to know they are there I made my choice ......freedom !

You do have the power  your thoughts are powerful and you can decide what your brain is going to think about ! Whenever a negative thought creeps in do not give it room to grow ,immediately cast  it off ......even laugh at the darn nicodemon  (HA !!! )  Remind yourself that it is your addicted brain talking and talk back with all the positives you can muster and do something that you can do besides that ....have a cup of tea ,have a snack ,go for a walk, play a computer game come on to EX and BLOG BLOG BLOG ! You can do it if you really want too ( That is a song ! ) 

Grab a straw cut it into thirds and carry it everywhere for a while really helped me with the hand to mouth habit ! sayings quit smoking 2.jpgsayings quit smoking mice.jpg

Love Bonnie 


You CAN do this...stay really close to the site, do the reading, say NOPE (Not One Puff Ever)  and KEEP saying it along with "I don't do that any more."  It will get easier as you stack up free days, I promise.



Remember, you can do this! You slipped, but you will get back on that horse Saturday and ride it to Freedom!