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Give and get support around quitting

My Intro

I've been smoking since 2000 right before i went into the Marines. At first, it was just a couple a week but after I was diagnosed with panic disorder, agoraphobia, and claustorphobia, and got medically discharged, my smoking increased especially if i was in a car or had to drive. My husband is a Marine as well and has never known me to not smoke except with my 3 pregnancies (which was easy to quit becaus the smell made me sick).... Now, I have had enough with it. I want my taste back, i want to see our kids grow up and i just want my life back. This costs so much money and i could be using it for bills, or things for the kids. I am going to put aside the money for 1 yrs ($2600) so we can go on some kind of small get a way and it will be a way for the whole family to celebrate as well...


Good luck everyone and if anyone wants to talk, let me know... :0)

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2 Replies

Good luck!!!  You can do it!!  This is a great site for support!  I've been lurking here for a while before just making my first post today.   Are you quitting cold turkey or using an NRT?

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I just found a really old "Stop Smoking, Alter Dynamics, Inc.

"To have maximum effect. plese follow this outline completely.  By doing everything listed you will be magnifying the ease of beaking the habit of smoking.

1.  It's your decision.  Make a list of reasons you want to stop smoking and a list of benefits you will achieve by being a non-smoker.  Review the list three times daily.

2.  Repeat the following affirmation hundreds of times a day.  Let it become a chant. I WANT TO BE A NON-SMOKER - I CAN BE A NON-SMOKER - I WILL BE A NON-SMOKER ON OR BEFORE ____________________.

3.  Every time you put off a cigarette  think of your stop date.

4.  When smoking, hold the cigarette with your opposite hand and with different fingers.

5.b  Replace any negative though with positive reinforcement

6.  Smoke only when doing nothing else.  Avoid smoking while watching t.v., talking, eating, etc.  Smoke only in one chair.

7.  Use self-hypnosis and visualize yourself going through the day without smoking and be proud.

8.  Leave ashtrays full of stale butts and smell once per hour.  Put butts by your bed and smell before sleep and again in the morning.

9.  Smoke twice as much on your quitting day  ( if you can).

10.  Review this list once per day.



1.  Use your deep-breathing exercise whenever you think of a cigarette.

2.  Use mints, toothpick, etc.

3.  Stay away from probability situations.

4.  Replace negative thought with positive reinforcement.

5.  Should you weaken, realize you are one drag away from being a smoker.  Each negative thought will get weaker and weaker.  In just a few days, you are the winner.

6.  Review your list for 30 days."


I don't know if this works but I will be trying it...My quit date is March 3rd.  When is your quit date?

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