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Day four and feeling good. I LOVE not trying to sneak away from the kids. I don't rush through the bedtime story anymore so I can get another smoke in. No more sneaking around the side of the house. Children learn by example. Why would I expect them to not become addicts when I am SO addicted?
Etiquetas (2)
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212 Respuestas

Hey everyone. May 26th was my quit day so im going on day 3 right now and I feel great. I tried to quit in december but only made it two weeks. I still think about smoking alot, but every day it gets better. I know i can do it this time!
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Welcome Bri. Congrats on day 3! That is great! I'm happy to say that I'm on day 14. Yes, I've made it this far so there's no turning back. I've been wanting to quit for so long...just never really committed. But, now I'm committed. I'm sure , like you and everyone else, I want to be as healthy as posssible. Take Care and YOU CAN DO IT!
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Hi I am new. My name is Kelly. Today the 29th was my quit day. I am thinking about a smoke all the time. Then when I was reading through this thing maybe I should have approched it a different way than just jumping in. I am on the patch but I am worried about everything. Quitting when I was pregnant both times was fine but this is different. I even told my husband he can't smoke any more. Day 1 almost down. I just keep thinking about I think I can I think I can. LOL I guess I will use this site to vent. Maybe that will help.
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Member husband smokes too, but he goes out back. I just try and avoid anywhere he is while he is smoking. Just can do this. I'm so excited...this is day 15 for me.
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I am new to this thing, and I haven't quit smoking yet, but I really really really want to!!! I started smoking when I was 13 years old because my mom smoked and I wanted to be just like her but now that I have a child I do not want her to start smoking just because of me. Sometimes when I try to go like 3 hours without a cigarete I will just start crying, so I'm hoping that by joining this community I will have alot of support and help through this rocky journey.
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Hi..This is my first serious attempt to quit.. I've started on this road many times, but I always thought it was never worth it, now I have a son, who can't breathe properly at night, you'd think that was motivation enough but for me it just makes me reach for a cigarette, the more i think about it, the more it stresses me out, i need to break this cycle?? Does anyone have a similar situation?
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17 hours! I am so exicted! I can't believe I am actually doing this! I have remained suprisingly calm today,too. Well, I am at work now so lets see how the exsmoke breaks go. I am scheduled for one right now but I decided to have a piece of gum instead.Yeah me!!! I'm not freaking out! Thank you Lord!
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Hi all. Just found this site tonight. Very anxious just filling out my info! Just the thought of quitting maked me want to have a cigarette. But I must quit. I am a mom of one year old twins (boy&girl) and I do not want my kids to see mommy smoking and think it's ok for them to do someday....just like I used to watch my mom who still smokes!
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Well, i went 39 hours and started crying i wanted one so bad! so i had one then two then... I couln't really identify a trigger though. I had a craving that seemed to last for hours! I timed the 3 minutes but it just stuck.Help! what am i doing wrong? I just felt like that craving would last forever...Can someone just knock me out till the cravings pass?:) I want to try again but i feel like i need a break
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I've cried too. Try thought stopping. Think about something else. If you're good at math do a math problem. Get on the internet and find some quizzes. Timing the craving is like watching the pot that never boils. Allow yourself to become distracted. Even if it's something pointless like a silly game, get absorbed. Are you an artist? Get your paints out, draw a drawing, and really try to do a good job. Draw how you feel, grieving your cigarettes, draw yourself free. Take deep breaths, it really helps, even just three in a row, really deep. I listen to a self-hypnosis tape on my MP3 player. It's very comforting. I can link it to you if I can figure out how. Hang in there! It's worth it. Every craving you make it through starves the monster a little more! Kill that thing!
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