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Mind over smokes...

Okay so I "started" to Quit last week (the 21st). I sliped up...a lot. I got the patch and well forgot a couple days and let just say the weekend was just like all the others. So I woke up this Monday and said that is it! If I am going to do this I have to really try. So here I am on day 2 without a single smoke. I feel like I am about to explode! I have 3 kids and a husband (who still smokes but away from me). OMG I want I don't WANT one...I feel like I have to have one. I know I don't but man....grrrrrr. I have to do this. I am tired of walking upstairs to bed and feeling like I ran a marathon. Or when you have a really good laugh with friends and you have a coughing fit that makes you pee your pants. You laugh, but how many have been there? You know it's bad when you are almost ready to dig in the butts in the can on the back deck to find even one with a little left to smoke. I am rambling, sorry. But here I am, I REALLY WANT to quit but is a minute to minute struggle right now!
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9 Respuestas

Hey, the first couple of weeks minute by minute is where it's at. I'm @ 4 weeks and I still have rough patches (today sucked), but believe me, it's nothing like the first 10 days. The thing is, we only have to do one thing to be totally successful at this - just don't smoke. Don't even pick one up. When your mind starts rolling the idea around, run. Walk. Shower. Log on. Anything but take a puff. And just take it minute by minute. You're doing good. Hang in there!
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day 3 - Okay so on top of not smoking I am getting a stomach bug (which actually helps cause the thought of smoking makes my stomach turn). I am proud of my self though. I was driving the truck home and there was a broken cig in the door pocket. I knew it was there, it was broken down by the filter. My mind started to think, hey you can fix that. It would be perfectly smokable...So I reached down and got it...I threw it out the window in the NYS Thru-way! Hurray for me!
I can't imagine 4 weeks. I am thinking about going to bed and wondering if I will be able to sleep. minute by Minute...Thanks for the responce nice to talk to someone who is going through this too.
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You're doing great! Push through...
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Day 6
Getting easier and harder. I don't want a smoke but I am miserablly crabby today. My advice, just stay way, don't look it in the eyes and it won't hurt you.....(it being
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This has me laughing out loud! I feel you... is It better today?
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I agree it is MIND over smoking...2 months ago I stopped smoking for 3 weeks and I was able to do it. Then I took the one puff that everyone talks about and within a week I was back smoking again. Stay away from that first puff no matter what!
Now I have gone a day without smoking only to pick up a cigarette again and I have done it more than once. I am sick and tired of this filthy habit...the time it takes, the taste of it (lousy), the smell, the expense(which as of today is crazy) and all the rest of it. I too was having health effects when I first came on this website two months ago..choking when I lit the first cigarette in the morning, shortness of breath after the stairs, and a light wheeze when I lay down in bed to sleep. All this and I went back to smoking. This is an addiction of the MIND. Because after 3 weeks my body didn't need nicotine anymore and I felt so much better physically, mentally and emotionally. It felt so good knowing I was doing this positive thing for myself. Well I have my last pack of cigarettes and I am done tonight. I begin my quit tomorrow April 2.
Good luck to everyone..
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Hey Diane--My day is the 2nd too. This time I will control my MIND. The physical part doesn't really bother me that much--it's just my darn head. Good luck to you also. Jamie
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The cravings do NOT have to have a hold on you - I'm telling everyone that I can what helped for me - go to and read the FREE modules. They will tell you something you didn't think of. The first day it was hard and I was sad and empty and thinking about cigs - then I read this stuff the first night. Next day I was a different person - I got it! It doesn't have to be difficult - it can be joyful - yes, I know, I also thought that was stupid when I read it, but I was 'high' the following day with what I learned about how easy it can be to stop ... PLEASE go read through all the modules and see what I mean. I'm day 3 now and doing great ....
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I can totally relate. You're totally right about how simple things like walking up stairs can make you feel winded! I played soccer for years, and then was a running, but now I can't even imagine being able to run down the block without wheezing. I'm really happy for you that you're on day two, and just imaging how easy playing tag with your kids will be in a week!
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