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Give and get support around quitting


May Quitters

just signed up and finished my profile. I have picked my quit date and it happens to be in May. so I decided to join the other May quitters. Good Luck to all you May quitters
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292 Respuestas

Hi ! My quit date was May 26, so I'm at day 3. Trying not to psych myself out because in previous attempts this has always been the day I crash & burn....  I really do feel different this time though, like, I know this is it. I got this 🙂 Have a super day everyone and good luck to you all !!!!!

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Hello everyone, tomorrow will hopefully be the day I can kick this habit. I have tried so many times and failed so I broke down and bought the patches, gonna start using ten tomorrow! I hope they help I've never made it over  a day or two smoke free. Have the worked for anyone else?

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working hard to save myself, my family and my marriage!!!!  quit day 1, I need and want thisso bad!

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Are any of you "part time" ex-smokers who would like to share your tips? I am an occassional smoker (now ex, today is my quit day #1) and my triggers are 'celebrations', 'socializing', and 'alcohol'. I know the obvious is to not drink, but how do I begin to make different choices when my triggers aren't things I am going to give up?

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Triggers are a big thing for us. I know my biggest trigger is my own husband, HE SMOKES! It's extremely difficult but I've proven to myself I can do it.  You have to find some substitutes even if it is sucking on a straw like a cigarette. It's certainly better than cigarettes aren't they?

Keep your head up and keep going, you can do this! Although I have one suggestion.

There is no such thing as a part time smoker, you're a smoker or your not. It's like saying oh I'm a part time nicotine addict lol oxymoron there.

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Just wanted to check-in on all you May quitters - I quit May 1 - so this is day 34 for me - hope that you are all hanging in there!  I still have my "moments" but overall it is going good!

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Hi All!

I quit smoking on May 17th. I have not posted on here at all and I do apologize! It is nice to have this group for support. I have been working overtime as I am moving at the end of this month and the extra funds will be nice. I have a bladder disease that causes me chronic pain and have had mulitple drs tell me quitting smoking would help. It has helped some with my pain. I feel more confident quitting this time (I have tried 3 other times) as I am doing it for ME and no one else! I feel great, it is nice to walk up a flight of steps and not get winded! Or breathe deep and not feel that "catch" you feel in the back of your throat!


Good luck to my fellow quitters! I am praying for our group!!!

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3 weeks today yeah have a lot of reasons to continue on no smoking my breathing, taste, smell is all improving and beginning to have more energy went to a function sunday and around smokers and felt ok reminding i am an ex and of all the benefits to recovery from smoking are mine to enjoy just keeping on keeping on

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My quit date was 05/15/14! This is the longest I've gone without a cigarette in 5 years. Within the past 33 days I slipped up, however, I made a decision to continue on my path to having a smoke free life. Normally I would have been hard on myself and would have give up. The most important skill you guys have taught me is to break free from the connections/triggers that I have with cigarettes. Now, when I have a cup of coffee or feel stressed, I am not burdened with the idea that I must have a cigarette in order to feel better. When I signed up on here in January I thought there is no way that I can quit. "This website is not going to work for me, there is no way that I am going to have the strength to quit like some of these people, besides it has only been 24 hours and I feel like I am going crazy." I have always wanted to quit smoking but never thought that I could make it a reality.

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where did all the may quitters go???

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