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May Quitters

just signed up and finished my profile. I have picked my quit date and it happens to be in May. so I decided to join the other May quitters. Good Luck to all you May quitters
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292 Respuestas

Quit Date 5/4/09 (son's birthday). Will use interim to prepare, educate (read, read, read!) as well as visit my healthcare provider.
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So, I have set my quit date for May 1st, Hopefully I will be able to stick with this one!
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I have picked a quit date of may8 2009 I am on day 6 I hope to make the May 8th because my patches won't run out then I will be down to 7mg but I think to worst is
  not so bad by then I have my changes in place now
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May 8,2008, 1 year I can't believe I have made it one year. After smoking for almost 50 years.
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Ok, I don't think this is copyright, but I have to share it with all of you because it is so important. I got it from and is something I discovered (I quit two weeks and two days ago).. I used to go outside for a smoke break. Now I can still go outside but I call it a 'break' - I stretch and breathe deep and feel good instead, so it's also a break, but healthier. Here is what John says,
  For a lot of smokers, the strongest desire to smoke can come in the evening when they are alone. This is quite common, especially for women smokers.
  Although it is common to both sexes, women seem to have a stronger ‘emotional’ attachment to smoking. In a strange way, it has become like an ‘old friend’. And in a way, this makes sense. No matter what happened to us in our lives, our cigarettes were always there and they SEEMED to be a great help. 'Our friends' were always there for us, it seemed. Yet if we LOOK DEEPER, we will discover the REAL TRUTH. During these occasions when we smoked, we ALLOWED ourselves, YES, WE ALLOWED OURSELVES to use smoking as an excuse to relax, to put aside our problems for just a moment and consider happier things! We relaxed! And of course, we felt relief. FOR THAT MOMENT, our problems were GONE as well as all the fear and anxiety we felt about that problem. We felt free, light and bright as if better things were possible. And of course, it felt great to get this ‘problem-free’ break. But we made a fatal mistake: We attributed the cause of this pleasure wholly to smoking. But remember last week's e-mail about the tea experiment: IT COULD JUST AS EASILY HAD BEEN A CUP OF TEA.
  But we are convinced otherwise. We think our pleasure is DEPENDENT on the cigarette ---and so we are now feeling terrible because this prop is gone.
  And so we believe our pleasure is GONE FOREVER. But…….it’s not.
  It’s only an illusion. A false CONCLUSION. No more. The REAL pleasure was in you ALLOWING yourself to take a break.....not the smoking of the cigarette.You can be JUST AS HAPPY WITHOUT IT! In a few weeks time, as your body gets used to not smoking, you will EXPERIENCE this great truth for yourself. You will realize that you can still ENJOY everything that you now enjoying WITHOUT NEEDING TO SMOKE. EVERYTHING! Celebrate –you are free!
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I have been smoking more on than off since I was about 12. Full on since I was 18 and this is honestly the forst time in my life that I can say I am ready to quit. I had a reality check! My 9 yo daughter asked me to go on an overnighter with her 4th grade class and my first thought was " I CAN"T SMOKE THERE" for which my promt response was " No I can't go honey" That's just wrong! So I am doing this for me, so I don't miss out on anything else in my sweet baby's life that is not smoking tolerant
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Wow, Erika - that is powerful! I hope it gives you the motivations to quit for good. Today is day 16 for me and I got a lot of help by following the modules at - made so much sense and I hardly had a craving, which has been fantastic. Good luck!
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Hello everyone..Me and my wife have decided that may 20th is our quit date we are shooting for sooner. I am sooo tired of the cigarette tax increases and the bullcrap faces people make when you light up..not to mention health and the bad stuff hehehe.I have been smoking for 29 years and i made a new years resolution about 10 years ago to stop making a resolution to quit smoking and i have succeeded soo far...i am ready to break that resolution..I AM DONE WITH SMOKING. And i vow that as of may 20 of 2009 i will be SMOKE FREE and live to be 130.....
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For those of you who want to quit in May - I can highly recommend Allen Carrs book - The EasyWay to Stop Smoking. It has helped many people, including Ashton Kucher and Ellen DeGeneres easily kick the habit. If you message me with your e-mail address, I can send it to you. Not sure why it is freely downloadable on the web, but it is. Maybe it was the legacy Allen left when he passed away? Anyway, give it a try ... it will really make you look at your addiction completely differently and this quit WILL be different! I am on Day 19 and doing really well after over a pack a day for over 30 years.
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