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Give and get support around quitting


March Quitters

I wonder if we start getting a bunch of new members starting late this month?
  Then we will have the '08's and the '09's!
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767 Respuestas

I am so pleased to announce my 60th day-SMOKE FREE!!!!!!!!!! This is amazing and each day has gotten so much better. I have seriously put my mind to quitting this once and only time, and I am doing it one foot in front of the other. 

I remember being ill, no energy, and down right terrible. I even gotten a bad sinus infection my two weeks of my quit. I have seriously thought about giving in to this demon/Satan, but where would that get me? Having to do that first 3 days ALL OVER. Those were my hardest. That is something that I WILL/CANNOT do again EVER

Reading and understanding this addiction and staying close is very important for me. It has helped me to expect the unexpected and have a plan set in stone. Treat your addiction like a newborn and protect it. Don't let others harm it, steal it, or threaten it. It is yours to protect. YOU and only YOU alone. 

I also have to say that you have to have the WIll to do this and not just throw in the towel when it gets rough. We don't do that with our children when things get tough, so DON'T YOU DARE do that and give up on YOURSELFYOU DO MATTER.

Hugs to you all. May God let us do this journey together today, tomorrow, and always.


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don't know if any one will see this,but if you do I sure hope your all still smoke free. I am and so proud of my self.Not saying I don't think about it every now and then but when I do I come to this site and get all this amazing help and encouragement. So thank you and remember just dont pick up Deb k

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Community Manager
Community Manager

deb-k wrote:

don't know if any one will see this,but if you do I sure hope your all still smoke free. I am and so proud of my self.Not saying I don't think about it every now and then but when I do I come to this site and get all this amazing help and encouragement. So thank you and remember just dont pick up Deb k

Someone did see it deb-k‌! So sweet of you to check in on others!

How are you doing? Are you still free?

EX Community Manager

EX Community Admin Team
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I quit March 21, 2015.  It has been 11 days now and I have had a few obstacles I hurdled.  All told I have been solid in my resolution to quit and that helps me.  I am feeling good and when I do get restless and crave the rotten thing, I go for a walk or write in my journal.  I hope everyone can and will stay with your program to never smoke again.

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Quitting today!!!

 Kinda nervous, but getting inspired by everything in the community!!!

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Welcome to EX   

You have come to the right place if you are making the decision to commit to quit smoking.  At EX our resolve is to never smoke again.  NOPE “Not one puff ever.”  I suggest that you follow the steps on the web site pages along with reading, writing, studying, researching and blogging if you like.

This is all about you and what you are willing to do to be a nonsmoker.  If you haven’t read it or have not been informed read  Allen Carr’s book, “Easy Way to Quit Smoking”. It is in pdf on the web  It is an easy suggested  Also check out  There is a lot of additional beneficial information to read and study.  Look for Freedom From Nicotine My Journey Home and Nicotine Addiction 101. Both were extremely helpful for me.  Stay close to the site and learn, ask questions. Read the blogs and most of all enjoy your commitment to quit smoking.

If you should need something to do here is a link that will help


If you take the time to do the work you will have success.