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Give and get support around quitting


March Quitters

I wonder if we start getting a bunch of new members starting late this month?
  Then we will have the '08's and the '09's!
Etiquetas (1)
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767 Respuestas

Still here, still smoke free, today is 60 days. 🙂
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Tomorrow is 50 days for me! I'm half way to triple digits, and Very Happy to NOT be smoking! 🙂
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Good job Cecil and Lisa your doing awesome. Who would have thought quitting could be so easy. 72 days into it and I feel pretty darn good about myself, my quit and my life ahead. Old age is going to be so much easier.
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This is a quiet group! How is everyone doing? I'm on day 60 tomorrow. It's still not fun, but moving along. Getting less and less cravings, seems mostly when I'm home in the evening is when I think about it. 🙂
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Wooohooo 2 months smoke free today!!! I rock!
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Way to go Charmayne!!!!! My husband went out of town hiking with the guys in TN. and darn it would be so easy to say "Heck no one would know if I bought a pack of smokes, went out back and had a few a night" But yeah, as tempting as it is I won't! No Way, thats to easy and I am to proud of myself to go back. I love being smoke free and intend on staying that way. I didn't expect these feeling to come up when he left, but it goes to show you can get through it. I am 80 day smoke free and will NOT go back!
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Teresa has 100 days in today help her celebrate at quit party central
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87 days today and I was just thinking about how much I have gotten from quiting smoking. I was hoping for better health and cleaner lungs and I got that but I have also gotten more confidence, a stronger relationship with my HP and my family, better respect for myself, and there is a bounce in my step that hasn't been there in a long time. It is amazing because I remember feeling this way after I was sober for a while and felt confident that I could stay that way. What a gift! Congratulations everyone on your quits.
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  I haven't visited MQD group in such a long time ... Congratulations to all of us who have made to our FIRST 90 DAYS and beyond!!!
  My son Ben and I joined together in our QUIT (3/20/2009). We have done so before - more than several years ago, but this time we took an oath together ; NO JOKING ~ NO CHEATING ~ NO SMOKING ...Smoking is not an option! Thus far this has helped us keep ourselves free and clean of the ugly nicotine!
  To all of you who have fallen ... Don't beat yourself up - Get up and keep on trying! Don't quit quitting! ... somebody mentioned on someone's Page that they were heading for the shower 'cause they coudn't smoke or eat while there ... I live in the middle of no where, so I often took my tension out on the the winds by yelling.
  Just pleased my son and I have made it to our 90 day marker, and more determined to march my way into next year as an EX! Bright smiles and warm hugs to you all! ~ Mary
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OK, at the risk of someone thinking I am too unpolitically correct or WHATEVER, is anyone else as nervous about our Commander in Chief trying to quit while the world is going to hell in a handbasket? Thinking about all the emotional up/down, in/out, etc that goes along with quitting - I'm thinking I'm glad I'm NOT the Pres of the US....I probably woulda blown up some country just out of shear frustration! Thoughts? Just thought I'd raise the question.
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