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Give and get support around quitting


March Quitters

I wonder if we start getting a bunch of new members starting late this month?
  Then we will have the '08's and the '09's!
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767 Respuestas

Good morning to all, just checking in to say stay smoke free it's the only way to be.
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Morning to all, Let's all just stay smoke free another day. It helps me to read everyones comments and talk with everyone. THANKS. Oh today is day 32. NancyO:-) my Quit date was the 20th @ 1015pm.
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Doc-how's things with you. Haven't heard from you in a while. Day 32, I'm doing good.
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Good morning all....Here's wishing everyone a GREAT SMOKE-FREE DAY. 🙂
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I am amazed that I am still smoke free on this my 35th day. The other day my grandaughter made the remark that the family thought I would never quit. I am really amazed at myself getting this far.I think I need to come up with a way to begin to think of myself as a non-smoker. That is the one thing I have realized recently. I still think about cigarettes throughout the day every day all day. Maybe if I could begin to loose the memory of being a smoker I could view myself as a non smoker. Anyway no matter what I think or how often I think about smoking I still am not smoking cigarettes anymore. I realize that I can't wipe out 43 years of smoking habits in just a little over a month,so I will continue to wear this patch and come to this forum and maybe one day soon I will not wake up thinking about a cigarette.
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Becka - CONGRATULATIONS!!! So, the right attitude about this monkey on all our backs. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and whatever happens, or how much you "think" about smoking - just DON'T SMOKE. You are making great strides and as most will tell you, it does get easier over time. Just watch for those nasty triggers - most of which will not "be" triggers in just a short for what happens when you stop with the patch too...just prepare yourself and you will be FINE! Keep going!
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Way to go Becka. Just keep saying I am a non smoker, you became a non smoker 35 days ago. Feels great doesn't it. When you think about cigarettes just think how great it is that you are no longer a slave to smoking them, you are free.
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I made a visit to my doctor's office yesterday for a treadmill test...gotta see if I've done anything adverse to the old ticker. The tech who was wiring me up asked why I was having that test done, I told her that I'd quit smoking and my doc wanted to do a complete workup on my health.

  She congratulated me and then said she'd quit 3 and a half years ago. Instant connection. You can tell a person who has never smoked that you are or have quit and get a reaction, but only a former smoker really knows the value of what you've done and how hard it was to come to the decision to quit.

  Only a former smoker knows...and there is a bond.
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Congrats NancyO!!!!!!
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Still surviving on day 35. Quit on March 21st.
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