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Give and get support around quitting


March Quitters

I wonder if we start getting a bunch of new members starting late this month?
  Then we will have the '08's and the '09's!
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Oh my goodness...I feel like such a "baby" in this - you all are 21 days and all kinds of other numbers in the dbl digits - HOORAY 4U ALL! I'm 'bout 1/2 way through Day's a start and I figure everyone has to start SOMEWHERE and you all were where I am now AND it's NOT all about me anyway! Congrats to each of you and for those who haven't started or are in the lower numbers like me...,KEEP GOING! Have a great Palm Sunday!
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28 days now. Everyone tells me how proud they are of me, yet I have a hard time being proud. I'm not smoking, I'm not going to smoke, but I don't feel strong. I don't feel as if I've beaten this thing, I'm still fighting it.

  I'll be proud when I no longer have the desire to smoke, when I know I've done it. Right now I'm still a work in progress...I haven't quit smoking...I just haven't smoked today, I didn't smoke yesterday nor any of the 26 days before. And I don't intend to smoke tomorrow.

  I can't bring myself to be proud. Grateful...yeah. Determined...darn right. Proud? Check with me in about a year.
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29 days for me now. I quit with Chantix but stopped taking it about 1 1/2 weeks ago after taking it for 3 weeks. I just didn't need it anymore. I hate the smell of cigarettes, it now stinks badly, I don't think about smoking, have no desire to smoke and I can't believe I ever inhaled something that smells so bad to me now LOL ... having smoked 21 years, I am a happy camper now 🙂
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Good Monday morning (if there is such a thing). I hope everyone is doing fine. I sometimes feel like Cecil with that I sometimes do have a desire to smoke (especially weekends) but I just wait and that passes. Now Saturday I was in a bad mood and I would have just about killed for a smoke. Good news is that nobody lost their life and I did not smoke! Yeah for that. And yesterday was better - I even drank some beer and didn't smoke - boy did that 1st beer taste different without a smoke! Every time I thought of a smoke I just thought I'm into my 3rd week so don't screw this up and have to start from the beginning again. Today is day 19 for me.

  Well you all probably know what I'm about to say -drum roll please - Everyone please have a GREAT SMOKE-FREE DAY! 🙂
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working on day three here, nice to meet all of you.
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nice to meet u kelly 🙂
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Good morning everyone! That ever elusive 2 weeks is only 12 hours away and I know this time I'm going to make it. Thanks for everyones help, because without it I probably would not have made it this far. Everybody have a good SMOKE FREE day!
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Yeah Mike. 🙂
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Hey all, well... I made it almost three weeks and ended up falling off the band wagon. I was going through some tough times and was off the patch and one thing led to another. Anyway I can think of a million excuses why I started again but none of them are good reasons. Tomorrow will once again be day one for me. I hope I can look forward to all of your continued support. This time I will go cold turkey with the advice of a book I read.
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