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Give and get support around quitting


March Quitters

I wonder if we start getting a bunch of new members starting late this month?
  Then we will have the '08's and the '09's!
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767 Replies

Hey Jered. I read something a while ago that went kinda like "It's not the falling down, it's how you get back up." The fact that you're ready to get back to it so soon, that's golden. You'll be fine.
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You can do it Jered. I'm sure you found out that smoking did not really help you through the tough times, you would have survived those times just the same without lighting up. We are still here for you.
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Well it's the biggest trigger of all I suppose the ol after dinner cig. So I am sitting here instead writing about a trigger instead of smoking. See it passes pretty quickly if you can just distract yourself. Becka....
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Good morning everyone. I hope everyone's day goes well. Stay strong and don't give in to the evil demon triggers. Here's to wishing everyone a safe and GREAT SMOKE-FREE DAY. 🙂
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Today Is Day 15 For Me And I Feel Teriffic I Am Home Free Now From Smoking 🙂
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I am still having trouble here. I see all these messages and/or comments sent to my e-mail. Is there any way to go to one place and see these responses?
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Hi Becka! In the upper right hand corner of your screen you should see a little picture of an envelope withe "Inbox" next to it. Click on that and see if you have your messages in there. *fingerscrossed*
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Good Morning everyone! They keep telling me this gets easier, I've still got the cravings like always. Seems some days are more challenging than others, but I still keep hanging on by a thread. Hope everyone has a good day.
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Defeat the nicotine monster! Hang in there everyone, it does get easier. Just know that if the nicotine monster fools you into taking just one puff, you have been defeated. You are stronger than those cravings,in fact welcome each one because the more you welcome them the sooner they disappear. You have the power to defeat the monster. Allen Carr says that the nicotine monster is like a tape worm, every time you do not give in to a craving you cut a section off, until it's gone.
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Here's hoping everyone a GREAT SMOKE-FREE DAY. 🙂
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