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Give and get support around quitting


March Quitters

I wonder if we start getting a bunch of new members starting late this month?
  Then we will have the '08's and the '09's!
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767 Respuestas

Lots of milestones here today...and me on only day 2...poor me! I'll catch up eventually 🙂 Congrats to all for all the hard work, perseverance and grace! You guys continue to inspire me to keep going...I know it's ONLY day 2, but c'mon, everyone has to start somewhere! Love you guys and thanks for your encouragement. Keep fighting the good fight!
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Two Weeks of Freedom for me, today 3/31/09...........Keep going is getting easier every day!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Day three - just a memory! Keepin' on..
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Day 16, Sweet 16 for Me.

  I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me all at once.
  --Jennifer Unlimited

  We all need a little humor in our lives. For example, one of the first things we learn in recovery is to "take one day at a time." This is very good advice, so we practice living that way. Most days it works pretty well.

  But once in a while it seems like we can't even handle one day. We just can't handle everything that happens along the way, plus carry out our own plans for the day. Perhaps we have to stop and change a flat tire. Or a friend calls and needs help. Or one of our kids has a meltdown in the grocery store. Or maybe all those things happen in the same day! That kind of day used to be our perfect excuse to smoke.

  Now it's a perfect excuse to take a deep breath, call a friend, and have a good laugh about it. Now we realize that our days are not really ours. We can plan them, but we can't really control them. That's just the way it is, and it's okay.

  I AM smoke free today

  Enjoy the Day Everyone
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Yesterday was my first full day without cigarettes. I did it. Now for day 2.
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Marie your on day two, I'm on day 3, let's keep each other going! Welcome to our "little" group! Stay strong.
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WooHoo......Day 14.....that's 2 weeks, 3 hours, 13 minutes, 5 seconds.....yeah me and yeah everyone else......We can do this together.......Everyone, please have a GREAT SMOKE-FREE DAY..... 🙂
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Great Job Marie, I Know That You Can Do It. The First Three Days Are The Hardest But Just Think Of How Strong You Are.
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Remember guys. You aren't giving anything up. You are breaking an addiction. Do not allow yourself to "Miss" smoking. You convinced yourself that you enjoyed smoking. But a heroin addict will tell you he "Enjoys" plunging the needle in his arm. The truth is that you have to convince yourself that you enjoy the destructive activity or else you can't justify doing what it takes to get the drug in your system.
  If you had an oral fixation and liked having a cig in your mouth.. Then why bother lighting it?
  If you liked smoke going into your lungs, then why not smoke corn silk?
  Your body demanded nicotine. If you HAD to injest the nicotine, then you had damn well better not hate doing what it takes to get it.
  Take your triggers and withdrawl symptoms to a different level. They should make you laugh. Look at how silly it is that a paper tube of dried leaves made you schedule every day of your life around smoking. adn now you have taken control. and the most you are feeling as an urge? HA! Feel your new power and smile.
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this place is awesome. The support and just being able to vent or chat it out reallly helps. Thank you, everyone
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