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Give and get support around quitting

March 9th

Hello everyone,

March 9th will be one month without one cigarette and without any nicotine patches. I mean I’ve gained 10 lbs but I’ll deal with that later. So close to a 4 week mark and all of a sudden the last two days I have been going crazy wanting a cigarette. I mean like badly wanting one. I’ve done everything to try to take my mind off of it. I keep reminding myself how horrible it feels and how tired I was but still. Doesn’t matter. I clean, I cook, I go for walks with my dog…and instead of driving to the store I’m writing this. It’s as bad as it was the first week. In. Sane. Does this ever stop? 

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6 Respuestas

I'm so sorry that you're struggling @summerbreeze783 but you're doing this quit and you're doing it one precious day at a time or hour or minute or even second at a time! Deep breaths you've got this believe it! It does get easier and easier with time under your belt but it doesn't help while you're going through the cravings! I chomped on carrots and celery sticks which helped me this may sound strange but I found the chomping noise seemed soothing lol! I kept a bag of sugar free mints around in case of any unforseen cravings plus I drank a lot of water and still do stay close and reach out whenever you need to or just want to vent we're all here to help you in any way we can! I'm so glad that you came here to post and I want to congratulate you on your precious quit journey YAY for each and every day WON YAY for giving yourself the Gift of LIFE! YAY for Freedom! 


@summerbreeze783 Congrats on 66 days of success.  Keep using the tools your described, they do work.  Be patient with yourself.   Even though nicotine withdrawal typically peaks at day  3, it can take weeks for nicotine to be completely gone from you system. We are all different.

Definitely try the deep breathing exercises if you haven't yet.




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It’s funny what you said about the crunch. That’s what I’ve been doing too. I giggled when I read that. Thank you for taking your time and writing me. It meant a lot. ❤️


Sorry about the cravings and everyone's quit is so different.  At 3 weeks MY cravings lessened, but I was not in a good place, just maintaining.  Outside of that one I had one awful craving, but it was due to watching a sporting event, so it didn't "come out of nowhere".  I had smoked through all sporting events in the past.  Nicotine receptors don't easily forget and they are used to having their needs met.  In my case, I would say out loud "I DON'T DO THAT ANYMORE".  It kinda shocked my brain back to the reality that I DON'T DO THAT ANYMORE.  Then maybe step outside and watch a bird or a bee or draw a hot relaxing bath.

Congratulations on almost being one month free of nicotine.  Nic addicts understand how awesome that is!  Lots of smokers would like to be one month out, so you are amazing and you ARE strong.  You are strong because for almost one whole month, you have delayed and distracted and that takes alot of effort, in the beginning.  One day at a time, is how you win this.  Don't think too far ahead.  Keep visualizing the smoke free life that you have.  You can do all kinds of things now...take a walk, etc.  You can do anything but harm yourself with nicotine,  Congratulations and keep going.  Look forward to celebrating your ONE MONTH quit with you. 

Oh my goodness. Thank you for this reply!  It really encouraged me. Here I was kicking myself at 9 o’clock and finding such compassion. Thank you!  I went out to buy a pack of cigs but then I didn’t. Onward I walk. 


@summerbreeze783  You did the right thing by coming here first.  I had many, not so good days in the beginning (missing the hit of dopamine), but I rode them out and NOW, I am so glad I did.  I am so glad you didn't go to the store.  Keep winning.   We truly are here for each other, because we understand what you are going through.  Nicotine will not change one thing going on in your life.  Just understanding that, helped me.  

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