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Give and get support around quitting


Malingering Thoughts Today

Yesterday I came very close to giving up my quit, thankfully I did not and today I have 94 days smober.  I messaged Meriah to vent yesterday after I was out of the situation that I was feeling stressed by, enough to want to smoke, and it helped.  Today I am a little down, still having some Smoking thoughts, realizing that even though I know and experience the many benefits of not smoking, I still came seconds away from giving up my quit.  I had gone to the place I used to volunteer at and smoking was a big part of my day there in the past.  Oh gosh, I am so very grateful that I did not give up my quit; but shocked that I nearly did.  It was the anxiety and stress I felt at that place, even though it is a great place, and just old patterns of behavior being tweeked in me that had me thinking thoughts like, Oh, what the heck, just try one, it'll feel good---bla, bla bla.  That addict brain is something else and tobacco is an insidious enemy.  Anyway, just needed to vent.  Thanks for listening.  Oh also, I got my day off to a hectic and early start yesterday and did not take the time to do the daily pledge--,that might have played a role in my coming close to the edge yesterday.  I know that for me the daily pledge is an important part of staying quit.  Cheers

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You can be proud today, that you stood strong yesterday.  If the daily pledge helps you, then do it.  We are all just one puff away and just be glad you chose not to reawaken those nicotine receptors in your brain.  Have your little pitty party, now pick yourself up.  Find that healthy thing that gives you comfort, and look to the Lord for your help and he will strengthen you.  

Stay strong Raissa.  You just won a maor battle and nicotine lost.


Thank you so much @biscuit9 .  Your words struck home--you are right about a pity party, that's what I've been having today after almost giving up my quit yesterday-- But NO, I didn't and now it is time to pick myself up and feel the joy that comes from quitting and staying quit.  I did pray this morning, but as soon as I finish typing this I will hit my knees again, thanking the Lord for all the ways I've been blessed, including staying strong in the face of tempting thoughts.  Thank you again for your words--yup, time to pick myself up!!  Quitting is all.positive, no reason for me to be down in the dumps about yesterday cause I beat the nicodemon again.


Well that was a close one it sounds like.  Glad you reached out to Meriah.  She always seems to have the right words.  Just goes to show you how having quit buddies can help you.  Gotta make you stronger getting through tough moments like that.  Super glad you made it smoke free.  Kudos to you.


Hey Raissa / @ReallyReal ~ Many of us have been where you were yesterday, at the brink of giving up and giving in, or at least to the point of thinking how good a cigarette would tatse/ feel. I am so happy for you that you woke up today as still active in your quit. Remaining smoke-free is a battle in many ways that can only be accomplisheed on a day-to-day basis and sticking to the tried and true adage that not one puff ever --- no matter what is going on in our lives-- will get us to where we want to be: an establised EX-user of nicotine ❤️ 


But you didn't smoke. Your smobiety worked when your emotions didn't want to. You didn't smoke. You won and you know more about your quit and your former smoking today then you did yesterday. Great big hug coming atcha.



@champsin97 ya, quit buddies are the bomb!!  Appreciate ya'll more than I can say.  @SuzyQ411 yes!!  I woke up today still smoke free and that feels great--gotta remember this as compared to how I'd feel if I had given in.  One day at a time, definitely NOPE.  @maryfreecig isn't that something, my emotions were a mess but smobriety was my true friend--keeping the quit!!  Big hugs to you all!!



You did super fantastic @ReallyReal you got through it! I'm so proud of you for reaching out to your friend Meriah yesterday and for posting here today! A super duper CONGRATULATIONS on your precious quit journey YAY for 94 splendiferous smokefree days and counting YAY for each and every day WON! Be proud of yourself, you're just around the corner from the awesome ~ TDC ~ Triple Digit Club YAY for being at 100 in just a few days whoo hoo that's wonderful! 


Thank you so much @MarilynH  You're a gem!!



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