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Give and get support around quitting


Maki's Blog for Today and What's the Solution?

Dear Maki,  Maki

I just read the blog you posted a few hours ago about your apparent struggle today with a strong desire to smoke.

For whatever reason, I was unable to respond to that blog (technical issues??) so I'm submitting this note to you instead.

You seem to be seeking a solution today regarding thoughts of smoking...

First off, I understand where you are coming from today. In fact, just about a week or so ago when I got stuck in my own funk and felt ready to give up on my quit, I was encouraged by one of our family members with this nugget: " ALWAYS keep in mind that a thought is not a call to action."

Even the most determined ex-smokers have thoughts of smoking coming into their minds at one time or another. We would not be honest if we did not admit this. But having the thought is not the same as giving into the pull it may create.

Doing something --  anything -- (except smoking) is called for to get our minds clear of such dangerous taunts from our addiction. 

Taking a nap sounds like a good idea; if that's not the solution then may I suggest taking your dog for a walk? That would do both of you good!


Put the music on and dance?

Scream into your pillow?

Take a bath?

Chew on a lemon?

Open the freezer door and take a deep breath?

Run in place?

Or.... fill in the blanks...

Here's hoping we will hear back from you and learn that you did NOT smoke and that you are continuing on with your quit.

We love are family after all, and we care.


~ Suzy

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6 Respuestas

I too could not comment on either of her posts.  Very confused as I want to make a comment.


Maki must have chosen not to allow comments on any of her bogs today.  It's an option at the bottom of each blog (Restrict comments) before you post:


Sorry she did that, it would have been nice to be able to do so in order to perhaps help, or offer an opinion, but it's a personal choice to allow such commentary or not.    It would be a pity if she relapsed three months prior to her 10 year anniversary.


I wasn't aware of the "restrict comments" option. She may feel like I was being pushy then, but I did not realize one could choose to not have responses to one's posts. But..... it's done.....


Well, if she thought you were being "pushy" then she didn't see your love and caring and support.  I do.


You are a sweetie, my friend. Thanks for the kind words Giulia‌ 


Trisha76  I was confused also. I thought a question was being posed but the comment was restricted.  Again it is an option to restrict comments. I hope whatever she is dealing with works out.  I believe she is strong in her quit.