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Give and get support around quitting



I joined this website yesterday and have gotten so motivated reading all the posts and hearing such hope and support that I have moved my quit date to 8/02. I will begin taking Chantix today. This website is going to be my lifeline! Thank you so much for whomever had the wisdom and insight to start this site. It is a fabulous idea. I came across it by accident or maybe not so much accident and am so glad I did. All comments and advice very welcome. After 40+ yrs. of smoking, I am going to need all the help I can get!
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8 Replies

Welcome! I quit using the EX plan and this support site too. The Ex plan was the most helpful to me. It is a "behavioral' approach that made sense to me -and I was really "psychologically" addicted more than I wanted to be!!!! Before I quit, (with this plan) I had dealt with ALL my smoking situations and knew that I could handle it! I no longer smoked with coffee, or in the mornings, or in my car, or for breaks, etc. Then I quit! I used a few pieces of nicorette gum for the first week or so (to help with physical withdrawals) but then I just stopped that too. Thiss was SO MUCH easier for me than on previous quits! Do your research and education and be prepared. There are many ways to quit- being prepared is key.
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HI MARION, welcome to ex, congrats onur decission to quit smoking,this is by far the best site ever, it`all about people helping people overcome a horrible addiction, hope to be of some help to u ,good luck!!!!!!! gimme a shout!!!!!!!! Photobucket
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Hi Miguel,
Thank you so much for the warm welcome and encouragement. I am so psyched up to do this and it is because I have so many people rallying around to offer support. That is so important. My quit date is Monday, 7-28 and I am actually looking forward to it although I am a little nervous. Did you go cold turkey or have some help? I decided to do the Chantix since I already have the medication from a previous try at quitting. I really don't want to take it because before it made me so sleepy I couldn't function at work. This time I am going to try to cut the dose in half and see if that helps. Again, thanks for the welcome!
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Hi Cindy,
I truly believe this thing is more psychological than anything. Most times I reach for a cigarette is from habit. Morning coffee, talking on the phone, driving, after meals, know the drill. So it is breaking those habits that will be the challenge. Do you suggest cutting all of them at once or pick one and go from there?
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Hi Jackie,
I went and took a look at Whyquit. Wow!!! A no nonsense approach but as you said it makes alot of sense. I am doing all the reading I can get my hands on right now Monday is my quit date and I am determined to never put another one of those death sticks in my mouth! I will take your advice and continue to read, read, read. Thanks for all your support and encouraging words.
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Hi Marion! You made a great decision by coming here! You will find lots of support, which I can see you are already getting! Yes, this is very much a mental addiction. When we stop smoking our minds start pumping nonstop thoughts of wanting to smoke into our heads. I have combatted that with the statement, "Smoking is not an option." Also, cravings are a good thing! They mean that your body is actually getting rid of poisonous toxins in your system. There is no such thing as one cigarette for those of us who have stopped. One cigarette can put us right back to where we were. Sayings like NO=Not One will help as well. When you do stop on the 2nd, make sure you drink plenty of juice for the first 3 days. Our blood sugar drops, which can make us feel bad. The juice will help counteract that! Also, cinnamon sticks are great to suck on. When you inhale them, they put a nice pleasant cinnamon blast at the back of the throat that feels good! Carrot sticks are great to munch on, along with any other raw vegetables. We'll be looking for you on the 2nd. Yes, read as much as you can -- the more information you have about how to stop and what smoking does to your body, the better prepared you will be! When you do stop, put up a post to let us know that you are here! Have an awesome weekend!! We'll be looking for you on the 2nd.
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Hi Marion
I just wanted to chime in with some support! I wish you the best in your quit. Believe in yourself and the decision you have made to quit smoking and all that you have to do is NOT SMOKE! I know that isn't as easy as it sounds, but really, you are in control and once you set your mind to it, you can do it!! We will all be here to support you!
Best wishes to you in getting started in this wonderful new phase of your life!
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YAY, another August quitter :). I hope to be just 1 day ahead of you..we all need all the support we can get and we sure can get it here....WE WILL SUCCEED!!!!
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