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Give and get support around quitting

Long term smokers versus short term smokers

How come some people who have smoked soooo many more cigarettes/day are able to quit better than someone who has only smoked less than 1/2 pack per day?

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11 Replies

Everyone's addiction is the same yet different.  It's all in how one approaches the journey.  What we think is how it will go.  I believe those who prepare well, have done their homework are more likely to quit "better" than those who don't.  Perhaps those who smoke a LOT are more apt to study harder?  The following is a good illustration of the journey:

What is the Single Best Thing You Can Do to Quit Smoking? - YouTube .

And as to abbreviations here:  Abbreviations & Expressions Used in the EX Community


Not sure how to answer this . How do you know it’s easier for others ? 

I’m on day 16 and my friends comment how I make it look so easy and am so positive but I’m actually always struggling with anxiety . I have horrible constipation and am exercising like crazy so not to gain weight and not have such bad cravings 

Here’s the thing for me , and I’m hesitant to say this being so early out . A positive attitude helps me . I try to be happy and excited about my quit by thinking of all the good things that are happening !!! 

Being healthy , having more money , smelling nice , and accomplishing something hard ! 

Those things make me hold on when it gets bad and it passes eventually. 

So so I don’t think anyone with a nicotine addiction  has an “ easy “ time . 

I think a big part of it is attitude .