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Give and get support around quitting



Congrats Rob!
Etiquetas (1)
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159 Respuestas

Hi everybody!  My quit day was my 51st birthday (11-6-2009) I'm on the patch and it really helps me with the cravings

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Hi everybody!  My quit day was my 51st birthday (11-6-2009) I'm on the patch and it really helps me with the cravings

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Good luck everyone!  I can't wait to go out and not worry about smelling:)  Sounds stupid but I've always hated the smell on my clothes!

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Well....You're a small group, but a queer group nonetheless, so am happy to join you 😄

Best wishes for BrendaLee and JuLee and hope you're still not smoking. Let me know if you need any support; even tho my quit date isn't until Feb. 1st I could at least tell how great it ISN'T to still be smoking, LOL.


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I am a gay woman...smoking has held me make from dating...many people wont consider dating a smoker.  I'd rather find friends and love that have nicotine.  Theory is much different from practice, and that scares me.  I have decided that I want to put a real effort into quitting.  I am scared and a little doubtful that i will be able to do it, but I am going to try really hard.  I want to increase my chances of living longer, i think. 



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Just joined the EX community. I'm transgendered and live in Portland, Oregon. I just had 31 days smoke free but "just had one" that led to more. I'm back in the game though. I'm glad to see other LGBTQ folks who have quit and are supporting one another. I'm also clean and sober since May 5, 2009 and basically am done making excuses for any of my addictions. Thanks to y'all for being here and if there is something I can do to support you I'd be glad to.

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My name is Buddy.  It has been 18 days smoke free and tonight I want a cig so bad.  My girl friend is a cancer survivor.  How long do you go crazy wanting to smoke?

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hey guys,  i'm a hardcore smoker.  have been for 20+ years and i'm really sick of it!!!   i want to quit more than anything but i'm so overwhelmed by the process.  i don't really even know where to start.  any suggestions?      help!!!!!!!



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howdy,  i'm a hardcore 20 + yr hardcore smoker.  i'm totally sick of it but i'm freaking out at the whole "quitting" process. i don't even know where to begin.   any suggestions?     help!!!!!!!!!!!


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Hello fellow Gays! Glad to be here with my "family".  My Quit date is Jan/10 but I am smoking less and less in anticipation!

Doc gave me Wellbutrin to help the quiting, and Ativan 2mg to help the withdrawals .  Like IMT, it is getting difficult to find a Gay smoker! to go out with. Talk about reverse snobbery!! I have an even harder addiction to give up; I use narcs,Percocets to point I have to have them to give me a feeling of well-being. lol, almost stopped, with help from my own body; the tylenol in them opened my ulcer, affected my liver and kidneys, and, I am embarrased to say affected my libido to point I did not have one! Man, you know you got problems when you had rather have the high of narcotics than sex! Good news is  am down to 2 a day, tomorrow it will only be 1 and then 0 and the fun starts! Hello Ativan.

Figure I will at least be heading out of narc withdrawals by the 10th and can then stop cigarettes. Am down to 10-11 a day from a 2 pak a day habit.  Wish me luck Folks, who knows, I may be ready for the dating scene sometime next year!

Ray D

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