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LDCT: Shameless Plug

Hi there!

For those of you unfamiliar with my saga, Low dose CT Scan for Lung cancer <<< It is outlined here.  

I've just had another six month follow up, and the results again were good.  I still have nodules on my lungs, as always, but they are either small and stable, or some have gone away and others appear, which my doc says is pretty typical for COPD.  NED, my cancer tumor, is dead and scarred and evolving as hoped and expected after SABR treatment for lung cancer.

My main thrust here is:  Get your low dose CT screening scan for lung cancer.     If you are a smoker, or have quit but smoked within the last 15 years, don't wait until you have symptoms.  By the time you have symptoms of lung cancer,  it is often/usually too late for cure, and at best treatment is much more difficult.

LDCT (Low Dose CT) is safe, quick, and relatively reasonably priced.  For those with Medicare, it is covered 100%.  Stanford lists the price as $415 for self-pay, so your cost should be somewhere between slim to none.  It is worth any price to save your life.

Check with your doctor, who must order it.  If they hesitate... beg!   or at least insist.  I had to.  And I'm so glad I did!!

13 Replies

what is better for detecting the cancer LDCT or year? screening every year?

0 Kudos

correction life line screening?

0 Kudos

@Steelers4 LCDT every year for lung cancer.


0 Kudos

Thank you Barb