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Give and get support around quitting


Keeping you’re quit on the right path

If you are having a hard time keeping you’re quit on the right path listen to what you are saying to yourself then listen to what people say that have successful quits.  How we talk to ourselves has a big impact on us. Think about it what are you telling yourself?


Are you saying to yourself

I can do this I can stop smoking

Yes I can quit smoking

Not one puff ever no matter what happens

I will make a Permanent commitment to quit smoking

I am worth it I will stay smoke free

I will make my quit work

I am in control not this addiction


Or are you hearing yourself say


This is hard I can’t do this

I don’t want to quit smoking

I can’t quit I have a lot of problems

I have to smoke I have anxiety and it helps me

I have pain all the time and it helps to smoke

I can’t stop smoking people around me smoke all the time

People smoke all the time and they don’t have cancer yet

15 Respuestas

Legend I am definitely telling me the first part...NMW NOPE...positive thoughts lead to success...~ 247 DOF ...


Well said, Christine.  


Right on the money with this post!! So VERY TRUE!! Self talk makes ALL the DIFFERENCE!! I learned that here at EX So thankful for all of you here Legend


Rachy2283   I’m happy to see you reading old blogs and gaining all the knowledge you possible can to keep your quit going strong. We have been without electricity most the night and day and we did get it turned on for a short time today but now it keeps going off and on. We are having really bad weather here. We were without water also most of the day because a lot of people’s pipes busted and had to be fixed so I hope we don’t lose water again. It might get down to 5 degrees tonight I hope we get the electricity back on for good. I don’t want to go through another night like last night. No matter what happens I won’t smoke over this crap it’s just another problem to overcome and I will get through this. Best wishes to you I hope you have a great night.


Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry to hear all of this...are you in Texas?!  I will say a prayer for you and I hope you will get everything straightened out sis. So proud of you for not even considering smoking!! I didn't realize the post is old but boy it was right on the money!!. Great that what is old to some is brand new to others and still relavent today.  I do read and find out posts are old often but I'm thankful they are there to help us newbs.  Do you have a wood stove or can you make a fire for heat somewhere?  This weather is unbelievable.  We had frozen pipes as well today but a wood stove so we already have heat




Rachy2283   Yes I am in Texas and the weather is still bad here. We are still having power outage off and on but for now we have water back on and I have stored some water in containers and also have 3 gallons of store bought water. We have the fire place going and we were all in front of it trying to get warm and so were the cats. I am glad you have a way to get heat when the electricity is out your way. I like it when someone reads old posts it brings the post back to life for others to read. I hope this weather lets up soon and your pipes get back to normal again. Thank you for the prayer we sure need it out my way. I will say a prayer for you also. School is out today and also tomorrow because of the weather here. I am having a terrible craving for a tamale for some reason for the past two days and that is what I am getting when I can get to the store safely. I’m not having any cravings for smokes thank goodness just that freaking tamale lol.


Rachy2283   Well we just discovered our pipes are busted out by the road where the meter is and we got it turned off now so we have no water now. The guy from the water company said we have to find someone to fix the pipe and pay for it he does not do that kind of work. I’m so pissed off at the moment grrrrr. I hope your day is better than mine is.  


Rachy2283   My son had told me the water needed to be shut off at the meter by the road because water was coming out of the pipe so I thought he meant the pipes was busted out by the meter and he did not tell me the water was coming out from the side of the house so that is where the pipe is busted. The water guy had called my mom from his car instead of coming up to the house to talk to us and my mom answered the phone and was told we would have to pay for the pipe to get fixed.  So I got my mom and son together and found out it was not where I thought the pipe was busted so we have to pay for it because it is on our property. My mom called someone to come out and fix the pipe and my mom said she was told he would come and no one has come yet and it is getting dark out now. The power just came back on again for now but we have no water at the moment. At least I have some water saved on the side. Life is hectic at the moment here but it won’t last forever.