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Give and get support around quitting


Just getting started...

Hello my name is Josh and I am trying to get started quitting today, I have been smoking for four years and I have decided that  I have alot more reasons to live than to smoke. I have a wife that I am acutally quitting for, she started having some of my cigarettes and it hurts me to see her smoke. I have no intentions of letting myself fail this time. So, wish me luck 😄

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22 Replies

Hello everyone:)


I am 63 yrs old, and I have been smoking since I was 18 yrs old!  I have tried to quit, but guess I wasn't trying hard enough!


I sure would like to know what was going on with my body when I was pregnant.  Each time I became pregnant (4 times), I could not stand the smell of cigarettes, let alone smoking one of them!  Was it some type of hormone "thing" that did this or what?  I was able to NOT smoke the entire time I was pregnant, but as soon as I delivered, I lit up!  Back in the day, you were allowed to smoke in the hospital!


Now, here I am again, all these years later, still smoking, and never being able to quit any longer than a day or two. 


I have decided to set a date, which I did (10/16/2011) and just keep reading the stories here, keep track of how many cigarettes, what triggers the smoking urge, and how strong the urge is at the time I light up.  I believe this will help me when I finally get to my quit date.


Let's see what happens.  I will keep reading, and I will start posting when I quit, and how I am handling the Ex Plan:)



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I started the program on 10-11-2011.  I have en following the program by the letter.  I am not having as rough a time as I thought I would.  I am handling the triggers a lot better than I did before.  I am finding ways to wait longer before my usual cigarette.  I am find ways to keep my mind occupied and keeping my self busy doing things that I can't do while smoking.  Thank you EX.  My quit smoking plan is working.  My quit date is supposed to be 12-1-2011 but, the way I feel now I may be able to quit before then.  My will to quit is stronger than it's been in a long time.            Ann

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Today is my 8th day smoke-free. Good luck everyone. I feel blessed to be able to read these testimonies. They really help me when I'm having an urge to light-up.



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