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Just curious!

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I was just wondering if anyone else is missing the personal connection that I've really found comforting over the last 2 and a half yrs or so! I miss being able to just connect with you as a community in a blog or touching base with just one of you on the message board but I know we're all still trying to figure out this new format but I even question myself whether I'm blogging in the right place or not and how many of you can actually see it? Is it the pencil? Which I believe it is, at least that's what I'm using. I'm really hoping for this old foggie that we can all figure out where we can hook up and feel more comfortable and at ease with this new format, huge cyber hug to each of you my friends and fellow Exers......

47 Respuestas

Thanks Thomas, I agree with you on the Serenity Prayer, huge hug my friend and fellow Exer.....

0 Kudos

I do agree but i can see more positives with new platform. We seem to have more activity on posts. I noticed an increased amount on the Freedom train and the pledges especially. You can find the blogs and discussions, questions etc in the conversations tab.


Thanks Shawn, hopefully I will feel at home on this new platform before long ShawnP

0 Kudos

I hear ya', dear Marilyn!

As I understand it, blogs are meant for longer, more involved posts (under the boxes on "Home" there is an arrow for blogs and there is also a large  icon box to write one),   What we used to do as blogs is now in the "Ask and Share "large icon box (on "Home), I think.  Perhaps we just need to decide where we want to have our conversations like we used to do in the blogs?  There are many ways/places to do that now.  Maybe I  could write something about it --- but where shall I post????????  There is also a maroon box with a light number in it (top right) that shows where you have been mentioned, messages posted to posts you responded time, accolades for things you have written). 

This new place is making me feel bombarded ---- too much, too different.....but I have never been known for my tech skills.  Over my work career I must have self taught at least 15 different softwares, but I got PAID for that??!!!!!!

Here's a camel kiss  if that will help. 

Hang in there - hopefully we will get comfortable soon!



Thanks for the camel kiss hummm this isn't my Hump Day camel friend George! But that's alright, you are a total sweetheart #youngatheart

0 Kudos

Alright, that's it, I am going to be late to work, I guess we don't get notified of blogs anymore?  We have to use different formats to blog vs conversations??? There is still a way to have a private conversation.  I'd rather start an IV.


i'd rather get that iv....

0 Kudos

love and gentle hugs to you sweet Ellen, I know this is frustrating but you'll get it and I'm figuring out more every day and like I said earlier, I get actually post a picture and when you have a little extra time you'll be able to too. elvan

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@Marilyn I was just responding to some of your posts and I do still miss the personal connections but I hope that we will all settle into a routine.  I am here and I am not going anywhere.



0 Kudos

well stated marilyn