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Give and get support around quitting


Just blew it and am hating myself right now

I made it until 6 pm.  My husband is driving me crazy tip toeing around and hovering trying not to set me off and I blew up inside.  It came on so fast and I was in an emotional fury.....ready to just let loose on someone.....but instead i got in the car and bought a pack and sat and smoked a cigarette holding back the tears and hating myself.   That's all i can say right now.   Heading out to a 12 Step program right now.   

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What helped me...was doing the work...I read at My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX , here you will set a plan date in about 2 weeks.  It will have you understand some of the quitting early on and the triggers...also, come here and read the blogs to become more knowledgable in quitting...then think of things you will do in place of smoking.  Here is a list to get you started /blogs/Maggie_quit_8-1-2010-blog/2012/03/19/100-things-to-do-instead-of-smoking?sr=search&searchId=c... 

The night before the quit get rid of all smoking paraphernalia and have in place your items you have decided to help in your quit.  Keep close to the support site for help.  Remember one important thing...everything in life will happen if you smoke or, Jury duty, etc., so once you commit say “I no longer do that...”...we will help you hon...glad you came here and opened dialogue...~ Colleen 


Sorry this went so bad the first day.  Remember this is your quit.  It's how your react to your husband in this case.  It's not about him.  We can be unpleasant and anxious when we first quit.  It's part of the withdrawal.   Definitely share that letter with him that was posted so he understand this can be a difficult time for you.  You're going through withdrawal!   Create a plan this time so you're prepared for different situations, stressors, etc.   Decide if your going to use an aid in advance and which one.  A 12 step program sounds great--support can make such a difference.   Reach out before you smoke next time. We're here for you.



If you can prove financial hardship, they might let you out of jury duty.  (see below)  On the other hand, being stuck in a courtroom all day might prove to be the perfect thing for keeping you smoke free.  

You say you didn't really set a quit date, nor did you prepare.  That strategy didn't work too well, did it?  Many if not most of the successful long-term quitters here studied the addiction and their relationship to it, learned the pitfalls, made a strong preparation before they jumped into day 1.  Quitting is a Skill that CAN be Learned    The more we know about the journey before we embark upon it, the better able we are to choose the safe paths through the forest of this addiction.  Keep learning.   


"Proving Financial Hardship

You'll have to show the court that appearing and serving on a jury would be an extreme financial hardship if you're self-employed and want to be excused. This might be easier to do than it sounds – or harder, depending on your circumstances.

Income has a lot to do with this. If you're self-employed with a low income and you provide the sole income for your family, the court is more likely to decide that it would be a severe hardship for you to serve on a jury. But if you're the owner of a start-up tech firm that's just about to go public, you're likely to have a harder time. Neither the inconvenience of being away from work nor a loss of discretionary income is likely to get you off jury duty.

Follow Your State's Procedure

If you do feel that you can prove a serious hardship, be sure to follow court rules and procedures for raising the issue early. In some states, you can fill in a form electronically before the first day you must appear for duty. In others, you must write a self-employed jury duty excuse letter or show up and make your argument in person to the judge."

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OK lynnjoss so you get up and start  Throw the pack out and let's do this thing.   Emotions are all part of quitting  My wife avoided and tiptoed but when she heard loud music se knew to just avoid coming by me actually she would wait till the volume went back to my normal setting or I turned it off.   It also works while your driving The next time you get the urge and you jump in the car put your favorite song on loud and sing it may take 2 songs but I promise you It will calm you down and you might even smile at yourself for looking as goofy as I did. 

You can do this

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I blew a quit the one before this.  I smoked like 6 cigarettes and continued on the next day.  Another time I had One cigarette doesn’t mean it’s necessarily blowing it.  I smoked that  one once and woke up stronger from it and moved on.  Everyone is different. I also didn’t set a quit date.  I researched and one day just didn’t smoke.  Whatever works for you,  you will figure it out.  You’re already thinking about it so you are on the right track.