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Give and get support around quitting


Just arrived here

I'm working on my first 24 hours. I'm at work now and need something to do besides go outside and smoke. I'm on the patch and unlike previous times, I decided to take their advice and join a support group. I've tried many times before and have been off cigs 2 days, on 5; off 1 day on 20; off 7 days back on, blah, blah, blah. But this time I really, really, want to stop. Any and all suggestions are welcome
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59 Replies

Welcome! I have been smoke free for 30 days now nd it does get easier. When I really wanted to have a cigarette, especially the first week, I would take a deep breath in. It reminds me of how much better I can breathe. If I could I would lay down and do it and at the same time think of all the benefits of not smoking. Good Luck, you CAN do it 🙂

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have set march 15 quit day with help of this site wat next?

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i am trying again, after so many times it is pathetic!! i have to do it this time. we have to stay strong, for ourselves, for our children!

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Hi, I just started today. I have tried to quit many times before and never succeeded, I hope I can this time. I have been smoking for many years and need encouragement and ideas. I have a stressful job which doesn't help, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Day 14 tomorrow! My 4rth real quit in 20+ years of smoking. Taste and smell came back. Cough is leaving. Still feeling pretty strong that I dont want to smoke again. So many reasons not to and really none to start again except for a craving which will pass and become less frequent. Stay stronge everyone.

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day two of not smoking.. i  have tried before but this time i bought the patch and that really seems to be helping. i also got some gum to chew when it gets really tough, like after i eat or when someone else around me smokes, just basically whenever the triggers hit. i talked to the pharmacist (who turned out just quit smoking too) and he is the one that recommended doing both. i definently recommend if you are going to use the gum i found that the cool mint flavor is the best. it hides the peppery taste the best out of all of them i thought. the tropical fruit one just really made me sick. but anyway, its really hard but im trying. i also started working out about an hour a day and that really seems to help, i can already tell a difference in my breathing! plus with working out it helps me not want to go and eat instead of smoking since im trying to loose weight too.. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!! its really nice to have a place like this where you can talk to people or read about people who are going through exactly what you are.. my husband has never smoked and he tries to be helpful but he doesnt quite get it.. haha..

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When I decided to stop smoking, I did so reluctanly.  My wife has come down with COPD and has had no choice but to quit smoking.  I quit to make it easier for her to so, but after being over four weeks smoke free, I am more determined to stay that way.  I began to feel better in just a couple of days after quiting.  Food tastes better.  My sinse of smell is keener and I have more wind and don't get tired out as easy.  Sure, I still have that stinking thinking of lighting up, but I feel I'm doing something that will make me healther and I saving a bundle of money also.  I believe it is worth hanging in there and not smoke.

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Nov 19th was my last smoke...I used Chantix, and it really makes you strong..cost alot but so do smokes..some side effects, but worth it.. I still haqve moments but you have to tell yourself that you are NOT going strong mentaly..Act like the OTHER people who have never smoked.. I cant believe how free i am right now..i cant desribe it any other way.. it does feel good.  You really have to want to quit has to be only YOUR choice, not hubbies or mothers..on chantix..just get it start it..keep on smoking but everyday be aware of how many you can have the next day..etc.. you really have to find someth8ing else to play on computer...i have gained 10 lbs also, so eating has been different..i am still scared that i will go back.

i really wanted this so i am determed to stay strong..

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Just found this site and I plan to add it to a list of resources to help in my effort to rid my life of smoking! I have a list of so many reason why to quit and not one why I should continue. I am away on a business trip right now. When I return home at the end of the week, my wife and I are going to set a quit date and work together on a plan to help us both make the change!! We have tried several time before to quit and have not been able to stick with it. We are both determined to do this no matter how many time we have to try until we get it right!! 

Wish us luck!!

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I just joined today with all the enthusiasm to quit within a week.  After setting up my profile, the site corrected me and said it was too soon, LOL  I guess I'm going to trust the fact that this is a tried and true method and there's no reason to help set myself up for failure.  I've quit several times before.  One time for almost four years!  What was I thinking when I picked up that first cigarette.  Oh yes, I remember, I was in control of my addiction.  H E L L O  I know better than that.  This time with the help of the gum (or lozenges) I'm still deciding, I'm going to quit and quit for good.  I'm glad to have found this site and look forward to finding support and helping to support others as we travel this journey to being smoke free!

So in the meantime, I will track my cigarettes, look for my triggers and plan ahead for different types of activites to avoid my triggers while I'm quitting. 

Looking forward to March 14th.

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