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June Quitters

yea!!!!!!!!!!we got featured!!!!!!!!!!
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525 Replies

I've made it 16 days!! I'm so excited that I haven't smoked in 16 days! I haven’t cheated once, I just can't believe it!! I went down to 7mg on the patch 3 days ago and didn't really feel any difference. I guess that's a good sign. I can't wait to be off the patch completely! It has really helped me though, and I'm glad that I have it because at least I haven't smoked! Thanks for all the support!! Check out my page and add me as a friend, I need all the support I can get!
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Celeste that is so awesome!!!!! I am 25 days as well!! I knew we can do this. I feel like so far I have passed the many tests that keep coming up. Today was rough. Went to the flea market. Why does everyone at the flea market smoke? Anyway, I feel like I inhaled enough of that stuff and it really did make me feel sick! Thats a good thing!
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28 days here....I have NEVER gotten this far without cigarettes! What is really weird is that I don't even think having one would be a treat anymore! lol It feels so good to move my body the car, to another room, to someone's house, to the store, out to dinner, going swimmin...anyhow, I used to have this whole routine....the pack I was smokin on and however many more I guessed I would need, plus a lighter and a back up lighter in case the one in use failed! Plus I had to have a drink with me cause my mouth was always dry! Imagine that! 3 packs a day and a dry mouth? Is it any wonder?? NOW I travel light!!!!!!!!!!!! 😉
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Someone, quick, phone the Vatican! Surely a miracle is happening in my little corner of earth because it's been 25 days since I have smoked a cigarette. I've not smoked 50 packs, which has saved me $250 so far. A few days ago, my patch fell off and I didn't put another one on, so that monkey is off my back. I still chew on my Nicotrol inhaler, but I'm like Bill Clinton - I don't inhale. Everyone is doing great and I send my congratulations to my brothers and sisters in the struggle. Protect your quit.
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WTG, Maria! I love "traveling light" too. It's like someone cut the ball and chain away and I can go wherever I like and not have to drag that nasty habit along with me. I agree about having the old routine. Get up, smoke. Pour a coffee, smoke. Take a shower, smoke. Get in the car, smoke. Watch the clock for "break time," smoke. Eat, smoke. Eat, smoke. Bedtime, smoke. Crazy, wasn't it? We were slaves to those stupid cigarettes, but kept buying more. Isn't freedom great??!!
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27 days and going stronger than the energizer bunny!
  Love being smoke free, a weight has LITERALLY been lifted off my chest!!
  maybe a couple of you can go join july quit dates for inspiration??? I'm a little worried about how quiet it is, like nobody is sticking to their plan, and when someone DOES post nobody really acknowledges it like we do here.
  But WTG JUNE QUITTERS! You all rock! 😉
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Don't worry about the quiet...;-) I think it's just cause the June Quitters link disappeared off the group list. I had to surf around to find us! 😉 Maria is "rockin" here! lol Travelin light and enjoying not being a slave to cigarettes! 😉
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Hello June quitters I am here and still free of those nasty sticks. Day 45 for me and loving it. I do have one problem though, I can't stand the small of smokers and I should be ashamed of myself because I was once there, but I just gag now. Should I feel guilty? Hay everyone keep up the good work we all have done something amazing here.
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I don't gag from the smell of smokers, but I can definitely tell when a smoker walks into the room. But infortunately, my BF, son, and brother are all smokers, so I knew I would have be tolerant. I don't want to be a pain in the ass to anyone. That doesn't seem like a helpful attitude, at least for me. But it's great to be able to smell shampoo, and soap, and other's deodorants, etc. Who knew other people carried scents around with them?
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Christine, I've noticed the smell varies from one smoker to another. I've always thought Marlboros stink, even when I smoked them. Some people reek with it, but so far not enough to make me gag. Others aren't quite so bad, and sometimes it smells OK to me but not attractive enough to make me want a cigarette. I agree with Celeste. It's nice to be able to detect different fragrances again, even the different ways the air can smell.
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