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June Quitters

yea!!!!!!!!!!we got featured!!!!!!!!!!
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525 Replies

Welcome, Maria. You've come to the right place. People here are serious about quitting and will offer lots of great suggestions for you. Joe, you'll do great. You've got another week under your belt, so you're another week strong. Kristen, you can be proud of your quit...isn't Chantix the best? I'm on Day 8! Have a great weekend everyone!
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hey Juana, that is SO great. What a good inspiring note!!!!
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I eliminated all but my morning coffee cig last week. My goal is to get up, have my coffee and get on with my day without that one cigarette this week. Day 1 of this week, so far, so good. Nicotene gum and lots of ice water is really helping me. Driving, visiting with friends who dropped by, morning coffee, have SO many triggers! I'm grabbing the gum and ice water and taking deep breaths. NOW, instead of reassuring myself by having a pack of cigs somewhere in the house, tho, I am trying to be sure I have plenty of gum. Oh well..the gum isn't much more expensive than a carton of cigarettes and nobody else wants it! 😉 With the cigarettes, it seems like there was always someone wanting to "bum" them! So I tell myself to enjoy frustrating the "moochers"! I think one of the reasons my adult live in daughter and her "difficult" teen have been so non-supportive is cause it was so convenient for them to have me around to mooch from! 😉 My other two, older daughters are involved in their own stop smoking efforts, encouraged by mom FINALLY dealing with her addiction! 😉
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I think it's a good day to start washing the curtains and grabbing the Febreze fabric spray and plug-in air fresheners! 😉
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i smoked my last cigarette on june 20th. so i have made it one week...yay!!..had a doctor appt yesterday and in just 6 days there is a marked improvement in my blood pressure and circulation. also i am not using my inhaler even a quarter as much. this is very hard but i am so tired of spending $7.00 a pack plus the failing health. i have had this habit for 60 years but i am determined!!! also..i am not a typist so bear with me.
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I smoked my last cigg around 5 pm Saturday, June 27th! I also just joined this site because I need a lot of support and help!

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Day 10...into double-digits and it feels good! Still having cravings but only a few have been intense. Sleeping a LOT. Not eating quite as much and being more selective about what goes in my mouth. I've only had a couple times that I felt truly irritable (other than a couple of "grumpy" days early on..LOL) So...I'm getting stronger and it's getting easier each day. We're all doing a good thing...let's keep on!
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Good for you Ali. I'm on day 5. I am here alot. Its amazing how much it helps talking to everyone and reading all the blogs. I have NEVER made it this far before without going insane! It is so much better this time! Keep reading, jump on here everytime the urge comes and boy, does it help!
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entering my second week of smoke-free living...i actually feel like i am going to do this...had to give up my morning hot coffee for a bit but seems i can drink iced coffee without getting the urge:) also taking a walk when an urge hits seems to help:)
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Hey there Juana! 😉 I think you are the only one on here who was addicted longer than I was! (51 yr. smoker here). I was cutting back, puttting cigarettes out halfway for a good 6 weeks before starting to actually quit. The first couple of days, I allowed myself 2-6 cigarettes. Day 3 I was only having 2 with morning coffee, Day 4 and 5 and 6 one with morning coffee. After a week of nothing but morning coffee cigarettes, I started my second week with NO cigarettes, period! It took a while (slow learner here - lol) for me to register that GIVING myself the reward of one cigarette in the morning was probably just prolonging the withdrawal merry-go-round. Iced coffee sounds like a good idea! Iced water sure is helping. I sip on it constantly now! Besides everything else, I've figured out that cigarette smoking is really destructive behavior, never has really made me feel better. So, would I want to sit around hitting myself with a hammer all the time as a way of giving myself something??? lol
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