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Give and get support around quitting


June Quitters

yea!!!!!!!!!!we got featured!!!!!!!!!!
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525 Replies

I'm Into to my second day of my quit. Feels good to be a quiter!

Congrats to all here!

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Hello...I am new to the site and since I have a quit date of the 20th I saw this June Quitters group so thought I would say hello.  I have no idea how any of this works...guess I should have followed the step by step instructions...Oh well!!

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Hey Guys and Gals, My quit date is tomorrow, june 11th.  I'm taking Chantix and I want to quit so bad.  I am stilll getting cravings but hopefully they will subside.  This will be my 4th attempt since I started back.  Wish me luck!!!! I'm so tired of being lethargic, windede easily, unhealthy and most of all addicted to something that I don't even like.  I feel like I can make it but I know feel it won't be easy...

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Day 10 here and I cant tell you how happy i am that were all doing this! Look at the posts in the last day 4 more people have quit!!! If we can make this permanent thing we can all save our own lives here and now. Good job to everyone on here and the future quitters too!If you cave in and smoke a ciggarette please dont give up and by a pack we will all have that temptation its what happens after that which determines our long term success. Please stay steadfast and you will conquer this demon. I personally am also using this as proof to myself that I can take my life back and be a better mother/person. Way to go everyone lets take it a minute at a time. I promise if u get your mind off the craving it will! subside!!
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Just started a new quit and I am going to do it this time.  I need to be around for myself and my family.  Stick with it everyone.

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Hi my name is Bob I am 62 years old and like most have tried to quit actually quit twicw for 3 years this time is the hardest but I am going to quit June 8th. I have children grandchildren a wife but mainly quiting for myself - I just hate smoking and just loev smoking 

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Hi Everyone,


My quit date is June 16th.  I am a bit nervous about it but determined.  So my day one will be next Monday, its really not the first day that concerns me, historically I have make it without difficulty, its about day 3 that the cravings are really bad and I start obsessing on ciggis.  Anyone have any suggestions to help me through that phase?



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Hello June Quitters! In a couple hours, it I will be 4 days as a non-smoker. Below is one of the first messages I received here a couple weeks ago. The best education about smoking, IMHO.

It is true, quitting is easy, in a pain in the ass sort of way,


"Hi and welcome to the site! You are in the right place! Be sure to do some reading about this addiction - it has helped so many of us! Check out the free course at - and Carr's "Easy Way to Stop Smoking" -

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1st day no smoking and I feel Im going nuts. I have moments during day were i get bored and it's so hard to resist because it feels like my normal day with a smoke. I have to keep fighting for my family and my health.. Congratulations to others on your achievements. Great Work !!!

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the 25 is my quit day i needed a lot of prayers thanks ron

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