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June Quitters

yea!!!!!!!!!!we got featured!!!!!!!!!!
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525 Respuestas

Day one for me, One day at a time.
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I'm working on Day 7... My first week 🙂

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good luck on your quit, i will set a quit date soon.

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Day three.  Feel kinda sick.  No appetite.  Keep reminding myself that what I'm feeling is my body working like crazy to repair itself.   I'm going to keep the quit.

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Hey guys my quit today is today!!! and for some reason I have a feeling that this time its going to be for the long haul!!! We can do this together. When I get home from work is going to be the ultimate test. Im going to just pray pray and pray some more.

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Hi, my name is Stacie and I quit smoking about 2 1/2 hrs ago.  Not that long, but just long enough to start getting the cravings.  So far it hasnt been too bad, but I am really worried about when my husband gets home from work.  We both smoke and he isnt quitting yet.  We just cannot quit together, we have tried and ended up smoking before we strangled the other, LOL.  So I am quitting now, then when I am doing good then he will quit.  Until then he has to smoke outside and not let me see or know where his cigarettes are.  The main reason I worry about when he comes home is because he is my main trigger.  We always smoke together in the evenings, its our quiet time together away from the kids.  I dont know how it will go when he gets home since today is my quit day.  I hope I can be strong enough and remember what I heard "the only hard part about quitting smoking is the part you created in your head".  I normally have no problem going without cigarettes until he gets home from work.  Then all the sudden my easily controlled cravings become monsters. 

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today is my 5th day. i feel great. please pray for me, its very hard.

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Day 10 here...each day is getting better and easier 

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I messed up last night and had one about 9:30, but I havent had one since and feel pretty good.  Its been 21 hours cigarette free!!!  I think I will make it this time because this is the longest I have ever made it without a cigarette.

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Just set up my Explan today and feel confused already, like if I can actually go through with it. Although I have drastically decreased the amount I have each day (from 5-7 a day now to 2-3 a day), I feel that I may not be able to successfully quit for good. My quit date is June 29th, my bday!

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