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Give and get support around quitting


June 30

Well - I'm starting my quit with a 2 day work week next Monday. I need to be able to return to what was already a smoke-free zone.

I have support from co-workers who have already quit - and a lovely soundproof server room to let fly whatever I need to (I really don't think I'll need to).

Then, I'll be home for 5 days - with several appointments planned: the dentist (no smoking!), the vet - ditto... and have already been practicing not smoking while I drive (short distance - I don't commute).

More on my plan tomorrow.
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I've been "practicing" not smoking - all the while, carrying around my evil security blanket - the current pack. Not smoking while driving; not smoking while hubby smokes; not smoking at my usual time (postponing - or just letting that one "go"...). We haven't smoked indoors for at least 3 years; been tracking the number that I smoke about that long too.

... and today I'm adding: smoke-free time-zones - going for the low hanging fruit. The smokes that are simply routine, habit. Everything between noon and 4 pm = smoke free time-zone. I don't smoke much after that anyway - after dinner not a requirement; never was. And I don't like to smoke too close to bedtime (which is 9 pm or so)... it's often that I only smoke 1 or none after 5 pm.

The mornings will be the toughest. I probably oughta figure out a time-zone for tomorrow morning too. Either immediately after waking up - postponing that first one till I go to work at 9 (I'm usually up by 6)... or all morning at work. 9-noon.

I have a specific game plan for Monday/Tuesday morning next week - so that's all set. We'll see how I do; what I can learn to help me with the rest of the week.
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It sounds like you are doing good, got you game plan going and all...I lived in Phoenix for a long time and now live in Northern Arizona, I have to tell you I love not smoking just because of the heat, how I ever stood outside when it was 120 I will never know, but I sure did...When I go to Phoenix now its so nice because I don't have to find somewhere that I can smoke...
Good luck to you and you can do this I know that because I did..
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